Tuesday, January 24, 2006

ATTACK: Backhand knife slash/strike

1. IKKYU. step deeply as uke steps in, Catch the arm early with both hands with blocks from both hands/arms. keep hands head height, don't rise body to meet uke's arm
take thumb and catch crook of uke elbow and roll elbow/arm over.
Keep Uke arm straight and bring it straight down. Walk out with two steps. One into uke centerline and another away at furtherest angle. Or at least that is what Gearoid told me and I fell like a flounder on the mat.

2. garumanage - "big wheel" - hitch step, and knife edge choke from behind. never learned this one.

3. kotogaeshi 10- taisabaki

4. sankyu

5. katana nage - taisabaki

ATTACK: Face slash with knife. Oof.

1. Kotogaeshi. Step in and close to uke. Block slashing knife hand with two hands - one on shoulder the other on forearm, i think. Hmm. Hand on shoulder slides outside edge of hand down the outside edge of uke's arm and to back fo uke hand, other hand does wrist-three finger grab, i think. I still think you may turn hips for powering lock. but I forget.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Pressure Points - choke

1. Trachea choke: To save friend from being choked: go to attacker, three fingers reach under choke go up centerline of attacker, close to body, with face/head hidden from attacker's face. Grab trachea and squeeze. Avoid neck muscles...

2. Double label grab: one hand holds uke hand in place, other hands' fingers to throat
above sternum is pressure point

3. Double label grab: grab both elbow's pressure point and roll/dig in and weight down.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

class today

1. two different kotegaeshi. a. Sensei steven showed a taisabaki entry, three finger catch, other hand to chest, keep moving so that three finger catch goes to wrist, and closest leg to uke, swings around to back corner furthest from uke and into shigadachi and kotegaeshi lock. b. sensei maria showed a block the straight punch across center line, powered by hips, block catches wrist, starts turning the wrist, other hand applies kotegaeshi lock while twisting hips back in the other direction.

2. knife to neck. even if you're dead, you can try this technique. :) Two hands, have fingers catch arm -one on wrist, other in elbow. Outside leg steps back. Hand on elbow slides up to wrist as you step around and away from uke. Apply shihonage.

3. round house punch- step into uke with opposite side, block with same side arm, palm heel strike chin. I forgot the rest.

4. straight punch. hitch step entry. roll shoulder to take off balance, foot sweep.

5. if a person has knife, and they are good distance away from you. you...RUN.

6. not a good description here. knife stab, forward punch. block from outside(?), grab back of head with other hand, knee into uke, bring leg around, push arm into diagnol and put into forward roll. ack.

7. On shihonage lock try to put elbow to uke's nose and wrist upward for the twist/lock.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tech / Multimedia help

1. Can't view video clips? Then download the following software, if you have a Windows workstation. Otherwise download macintosh version.


Works like a charm.

2. Can't hear audio? Try using headsets connected to your computer audio jack. Then boost the volume.

3. Can't read my writing? Neither can I. Sometimes it ightmay ebay etterbay otay ogay igpay atinlay.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Oh my head.

It's easier to tuck chin and keep it tucked when I know when I'm being thrown. But when a sempai goes for a fast take down, I notice my head goes all over the place. Gotta tuck the chin.

1. Uke pushes with both hands. Take a small step to side (to shigadachi?) Hands in prayer position, then one up, one down= lead hand leads uke into roll by pulling out/down on one elbow. Secondary, following hand catches other uke elbow and lifts. Tertiary = ankle block.
See video
2. Tiger lock of ankle = make fist ontop of wrist. Turning the fist hurts ankle tendon. Squeezing foot close to chest breaks metatarsals which is primary damage.
See video for arm
See video for ankle

3. Sensei said to focus more/doing more on uke than inward eye/intellect.

4. Boom boom sweep. The rolling of shoulder should not put any force downward through uke feet. Sempai Cari mentioned let your hands flow like water and I was amazed how little effort/energy was needed to take uke off balance.

5. Foot sweeps should be light and quick and not in big wide circle. Sempai barbara pointed how sweeps to be powered by hip.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Things covered today.

Taisabaki Kata - 1,2 should have hips pivot with the punch to give power. 5,6 should not have hand go to chest too quickly, keep back straight and weight 50-50. 7,8 should also pivot hips to power punch. Back leg straightens out with the punch. When bring feet back, it should be shoulder width apart like it was in natural stance. A common mistake. To practice bringing leg back with proper width between legs is to practice along a line. Then you can feel the feet going in the right place with proper distance between feet. 8,9 should have hands a hand-width a part and keeping closest hand a hand-width distance from body.

Ukemi Kata.

Kotegaeshi 1: Take a step and lead hand sweeps down uke's arm to wrist. Pull down to take off balance. Pivot hips and apply lock. 2) do same but step back and to the side apply lock. 3) same but step back and apply lock from step back.

Break fall should have legs fly over you -not to side which causes twist. Kiai.

Kotegaeshi lock to back hand hit. Taisabaki entry. Three fingers of lead hand catches elbow. Finish Taisabaki. Following hand should be kept in front of body and along centerline to be all ready for the lock. Turn hip and take a step diagnol back with back leg to go into shigadachi stance and apply lock. Uke may break fall.

Two hand (prey mantis) on uke shoulder from behind uke and take down on to uke back. Should be effortless. Should roll shoulders back and not necessary force uke down. Uke applies forward punch. Heel palm strike stops uke's forward momentum. After strike place lead hand on uke shoulder, place other hand on other shoulder. Then keep elbows close to you and bring your whole body down. It's not the arms that pulls down -its the body weight brought straight downward. hitch + taisabaki?
* Alternative was done with a kick behind uke knee with arch of foot.

Overhead hammer strike. Block from same side other hand goes to uke elbow and lifts into 90 degree angle. Step in. Palm against back of uke hand. three finger catch. Pin uke hand to chest. Twist hips to apply pain. Continue by stepping around and bring uke hand to hip.

Same side wrist grab-nikyu should have uke hand close to body.

Ippon Seoinage from highpin rear bear hug.
Keep heels togeher. Bicep clip and keep pulling gi. Keep uke body close to you, like draped against you. bend Knees and keep back straight. Don't bend forward from hip. It's by bending knees you can load the uke on to hip.

Morote- two arm shoulder throw.

Relax arms when taisabaki.

Friday, January 06, 2006

hip pivoting & 110 lbs of oomph.

1. when kicking with knee, think directing 110 lbs (body weight) in the knee into uke
2. When going for taking down, think dropping your body weight straight down
3. Double hand heel strike to uke face, and lead hand winds with hip, hip pivot powers upper cut.

ATTACK: Lapel grab with step

1. lead hand parries from inside, wrist turns away from centerline to catch uke arm on top + lead foot takes step back. (Do not pull uke arm, just lead) Other hand grabs uke's upper arm and applies rotation/twist in direction of its thumb. Kneel the original lead leg/foot -knee on ground - to bring uke to take a forward roll. face same direction forward when attacked.

2. both u and uke step in, back leg steps even straighter and
you step before they do. can add punch where fist drives down and
powered by hip. most important to take center and get there sooner than uke for off balance.

3. let uke go for grab, but then swing door open by opening shoulder, lead hand grab from inside. other hand to uke bicep. bring weight down into shiko dachi
and parrying brings uke hand to ground and they take forward roll

4.NIKKYU, catch with L of hand and step back, step back in - nikkyu

5. instead of catching uke grab with an "L" of hand and doing a NIKKYU, catch uke's hand from the inside amd lead it towards you from the inside as you step back, and then let this hand wrap over top of uke's attacking hand and bring it down and across body centerline, let other hand grab top of uke wrist and now you're set up to do SHIHONAGE. Take step thru. Finish with SHIHONAGE.

6. same as above, but this time when you wrap around the top of uke's attacking hand (move #1), swipe it away with your other hand (#2) then your first hand catches thumb side of uke's hand for KOTOGAESHI lock, and other hand applies lock with hip turn

7. (smaller vs taller with gearoid) you catch from inside and step back, and then you wrap your parrying hand over top of attacking hand and direct straight down, your other hand grabs it and leads forward, you step back in, shoulder into armpit (or in my case gearoids gut) and lead uke into roll.
i remember had to grab gearoids hand bring it immediately to the floor

8. ankle block, throw over ankle - follow uke while throwing looking in direction where you want to throw (down behind u), ankle bloc by lead leg, lean shoulder back as uke grabs, make foot a monkey claw, don't leave back facing uke after throw, turn around and face uke

Attacking with Osotogari

1. Lead hand and other hand double slaps uke's lead hand away and to uke's centerline
2. The following hand holds wrist while lead hand goes to uke's shoulder and rolls shoulder joint over
3. A monkey claw foot sweep on uke's foot.

here's another technique from sensei coleman:
1. you grab onto uke's wrist, hook hand around uke's neck, hitch step in and contact shoulder shoulder at angle, hip behind uke hip, and sweep. i think you pull uke arm down to corner for off balance.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tiger Lock

For Arm
1. Lock above or on elbow.
2. Keep balance and back straight.
For ankle
1. Hug foot to body
2. Keep balance and back straight.
3. Knees bent

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

SUBWAY ATTACK: defensive moves

1. NIKYU. Turn Shoulders, Block from centerline to outside, keep uke hand pinned to chest, and block should push away an inch, pull back an inch and lock. Keep lock pinned to body.

2.KOTEGAESHI. Turn shoulders .Block from outside to across centerline. Blocking hand should grab uke's hand and start turning wrist. Finish lock with other hand. Twist wrist as if you are closing the lid of a box.

ATTACK: Knife thrust forward thrust

1. KOTEGAESHIhitch step a) parry with forearm by twisting hip to redirect forward momentum of uke b) hitch step as you grab hand with your hand closest to uke (i.e. the arm that blocked knife thrust) as soon as hand grabs uke's knife hand begin twisting wrist c) pivot hips back in the other direction and continue to twist wrist with a kotogaeshi lock d) take step e) cross step over uke's head while grabbing elbow f) pin shoulder to ground and point hand to ears.

2. Advanced technique elbow lock to chest. Hitch step, parry with both forearms (shown by sensei steven). Arm closest to uke sneaks under uke elbow and catches crook of inside of elbow to bend it. Other hand grabs and bends wrist downward with knife. After bending elbow and pinning elbow joint to chest with lock, apply more bend with other hand which just bent the elbow.

3. tiger lock on forward knife thrust in case other technique doesn't work. hitch step and strike through, grab knife with other hand. and turn hips while hand goes down centerline. arm under uke elbow, shoulders down, roll wrist forward. loosen lock and take down. lock on ground. take knife away

4. kotogaeshi 10 with hitch step + half taisabaki. end in hamni
always face tori. keep hands in center through out
face corner in finish

5. pray mantis thing - step in, with outside hand pushing arm away, inside hand going to shoulder for shoulder roll, place both hands close to center and bring down - sensei c shared a kid swing around a stop sign analogy, get out of uke's way when he does back fall

6. try to do pray mantis thing, but doesn't work, so switch up and do katananage
(sword throw, i think)

Fighting DRILLS: Standing in opposite hanmi.

Standing in opposite hanmi
a. hitch step, fake swipe on same side. arm stops in front of face to block. other arm upper cut, sweep leg. tiger lock on ankle

b. hitch step, fake swipe, upper cut punch, arm blocking pulls arm in front of uke, across his body away from you, take a deep step with inside leg. inside arm grabs around his waist. heels together load on hip and turn

c. Hitch step, lead hand makes fake punch and ends with a elbow protecting face (cape avenger effect - like you're bring a cape around your body and protecting your face). Following hand does upper cut punch. Lead hand/arm now blocking face grabs hold of opposite side of uke's head. Uppercut hand comes underneath to grab other side of uke head. Bring uke head straight to floor with a slight curl upward at end of throw. You stay in hamni throughout.

ATTACK: double lapel grab

1. One up, one down. one arm pulls down on elbow as you bring your weight down. For us super compact (short) people, this kinda creates an off balance when you get "smaller." The other hand raises uke elbow with thumb under elbow. When that one arm that raises uke elbow, hitch step on that side. Pivot hips to the direction of where you will throw uke into a roll. Then put raised elbow to uke's ear as you step with inside leg

*more detals - be chill and relaxed. hitch step and drop into uke elbow like a deadweight. other hand hooked into uke elbow joint and raises elbow and pushes to uke ear and step through and keep arms in front and not behind and throw uke down/forward

2. Ippon Seionage. one arm snakes over and clips uke's bicep after pull -step, as pivot load onto hip and look over waist behind you. remember to pull up to ear and drape uke on back and keep back straight

3.Harai Goshi (sweeping hip throw) .

a) white belt need not concern on the ankle block. In picture, sensei has left leg in front of uke's left ankle. Sensei is continuously pulling on uke arm while the other catches hip and loads uke on to hip. As soon as uke is loaded, twist to look behind you. b) the finish is close to uke's body. knees bent, back straight.

4. one hand holds uke hand in place, other hands' fingers to throat
above sternum is pressure point

5. grab both elbow's pressure point and roll/dig in and weight down.


1a. seionage from outside of uke.
bend knees turn hip outward, grabbed wrist snakes outward and around with thumb on top of uke wrist, other hand catches uke wrist with thumb over wrist and fingers under elbow and closest to ground, hitch step deeply and keep uke's arms stretched and in front of your body + taisabaki w/ 180 degree turn from hips with arms still stretch out in front of you + tuck chin, put uke's hand to uke's shoulder and your elbows to your own chest, bend knee to bring your weight downward to take down, step to catch, inside knee on arm pit, first pin uke shoulder to ground, back straight/ face up, pull up on uke's hand

1b. shihonage from inside, crossing uke's centerline
bend knee, turn hip inward and make uke off balance, hitch step a little crossing centerline of uke, put arm under ukes arm that will be locked, do 180 degree turn, keep upper arm/head under uke shoulder and uke hand to uke shoulder for safety, keep elbows to chest, and JUST BEND KNEE for take down, dig knee into shoulder joint of uke for pin, pull uke arm up for lock

2. O SOTO Gari
Remember take hand with you and don't leave it behind or closer to uke a) it should stay in your center b) first turn palm down and bend knees and twist hip. this takes uke off balance. b) hitch step must be DEEP - creates off balance - shoulder to shoulder - and position your body/bum behind uke c) finish with straight leg sweep.

3a.cut thru uke with lead arm
a) bend wrist to center line (which appears to loosen grip) b) hitch step and other hand grabs uke's attacking hand c) let lead hand/arm come uke's center line up to neck while holding uke's wrist with other hand d) turn hips downward for take down

3b. cut thru doesn't work, try tiger lock
same technique, except dropping hip, apply a tiger lock, if didn't work

step to side away from center line. turn grabbed wrist into centerline, other hand grabs underneath for 3 finger catch of uke hand thumb side, keep twisting uke wrist with this catch. grabbed hand is released to apply its knife edge of hand applies pressure to back of uke hand - not on uke fingers. Apply lock by dropping weight so pain is caused by weight of body twisting the little bones in the wrist. good to have a V shape in uke arm, move as you apply lock, keep up momentum to help roll uke over to stomach. Finish w/ your body close to uke, like your going to fall on top of him or her.

Hitch AWAY from uke's center line (like nikkyu), keep facing uke, grabbed hand will snake around from outside to uke's wrist, then other hand grabs uke wrist, grabbed hand will move up to elbow to roll elbow joint over. lock arms as u walk uke out. Take two steps to walk uke out. Lock.

Sensei maria showed a version where you hitch step in as you bend uke elbow up and behind them, snake around the outside of wrist, grabbed hand goes to uke's bent elbow and drives it down with other hand on attacking uke hand. Lock arms as u walk uke out. Lock.

Take step to side AWAY from uke's center line, bring hand with you. get low. first big toe lined up w/ uke big toe, step to side and now big toe lined up w/ uke little toe. face uke. stepping to side aids uke elbow bend. immediately bring uke hand against body.

grabbed hand snakes under and catches uke arm with L of hand, keeping close to body. Other hand does 3 finger catch on uke hand to twist. grabbed hand moves to uke elbow to bend elbow. Apply corkscrew twist and hitch stepping a bit forward and bending knee to drop weight

ROLL uke elbow over. push thru uke arm to put shoulder on mat. control elbow w/ one hand

* can apply this lock: inside leg steps over uke shoulder, both hands grab at wrist, bending hand to arm, pointing to uke head, twist/drive hip to direction of uke head w/ arm against leg

7. sankyu
turn hip to angle away from uke, grabbed hand creates bend upward in uke attacking elbow w/ top of tori hand pressing against underneath uke attacking forearm, hitch step, hands put uke attacking arm/hand to outside shoulder, setup for sankyu lock, can take step tru w/ back leg, turn hips/whole body for lock, keep lead/inside leg away from front of uke otherwise uke can sweep it (says russian monster), then bring locked uke arm/hand w/ tori hip as inside leg cross steps behind other leg - in a line- turn hips, stretch out uke arm, uke is off balance, take down

THROW: Using uke's lapel

1. bunch lapel in hand
b. push forearm into uke's chest/armpit.
c. Step to inside toe, pull forward on uke arm.
d. load onto hip, twist to throw

ATTACK: ONE ARM LAPEL GRAB (w/ + w/out step) - 19 techniques

1. NIKKYU On attacking side, cup uke's wrist whose hand is grabbing lapel. pin attacking side wrist to your body.
b. on same side step backwards AND smack face with other hand by following uke's extend arm and to their face.
c. three fingers of smacking hand grabs uke's attacking hand, while other hand (which was pinning attacking uke's hand) slides up to uke's elbow to bend elbow. keep elbow close to body to protect ribs.
d. place the nikyu lock with pointing finger pointing up and follows circle to uke. Remember to twist just the wrist, not force or fight the arm, and step in.
e. Take down, by directing elbow to uke's ear as you step in.
f. I can not remember whether you hitch step or you step in. I think the latter. But, uke goes for label grab. Block with sameside hand, the other hand goes to shoulder (off balance), slides down to just below hip and your momentum from stepping in should apply downward (not pushing out) force to cause hip to bend and uke take back fall. Sensei said the key is to step in close as possible.

2. OSOTOGARI. Sameside hand comes up to rest hand over uke's grip on label. Sameside hand rests there to keep uke hand there. Hitch step deeply, at angle to take off balance, following leg immediately is behind uke's leg (as they can not get their balance by bringing their leg back or else they will trip over your leg), the other hand grabs/pulls on gi DOWNWARD to apply more off balance, then keep sweeping leg straight and sweep through -- all of this in one motion and no need to have sweeping leg stop on the ground after hitch step.

* make shoulder contact and turn body to corner to create off balance
and immediately place sweeping leg, toes pointed behind uke's
and pull gi at elbow down.

3. Nikyu variation shown by Sensei Stephen- Apply lock, but insteading rolling uke out onto ground, take hand that is not applying lock and pinning hand to chest and snake under uke's elbow and around to catch the back of uke's thumb/hand to apply additional twist. Could take wrist off, I suppose!

*lightly catch uke wrist like a tractor beam
when applying lock, keep elbow down to protect ribs, or else uke thinks you'll strike with elbow. also be sure to step in as you twist the wrist. pain in wrist causes uke to go down

4. for same side lapel grab with good grip:
let lead leg step back, take opposite side arm and strike uke across face, striking arm crosses center line, lands on uke attacking uke elbow and wraps around underneath uke elbow and you go for a little shiko dachi to take off balance, then twist hips again with counter turn and face directly with uke, your free hand can be nice and roll uke's opposite shoulder for take down, or go for pressure point in neck and take down, be gentle with take down as this lock hurts,

5. step to the side while putting hand into crook of elbow (of arm that is grabbing gi), bending knees, bringing weight down to create off balance and uke does side fall

6. step in, take center, frisk and drive energy down to uke hip. non lead foot does not drag behind but quickly follow lead leg

7. ankle block, throw over ankle: follow uke while throwing looking in direction where you want to throw (down behind u), ankle bloc by lead leg, lean shoulder back as uke grabs, make foot a monkey claw, don't leave back facing uke after throw, turn around and face uke

8. ippon seionage: be sure to block uke thigh/leg, keep back straight + don't bend at bum. if bend at bum/butt, u are off balance and there is a gap between your back and uke's body. this does not help w/ throw. heels together.

9. smaller vs taller with gearoid - i forgot how the drill began, but i think it went like: uke went for lapel grab, you catch from inside and step back, and then you wrap your blocking hand over top of attacking hand and direct straight down, your other hand grabs it and leads forward, you step back in, shoulder into armpit (or in my case gearoids gut) and lead uke into roll.
i remember had to grab gearoids hand bring it immediately to the floor

10. . Block on same side, step in straight with back leg, other leg follows behind, make hammer fist and keep elbow close to body, and punch solar plexus with WHOLE BODY turning.
Knee should ben into uke knee.
You could do this with elbow strike, heel palm strike to chin, punch to face.

11. grab label + round house punch: side step and move away from punch, deflect w/ same side, catch w/ opp. hand, same side hand bends uke arm @ elbow, apply nikkyu, take down

12. grab lapel + round house punch: ippon seionage

NEW --
13. shihonage: catch from inside of grabbing arm + lead leg steps back, swipe uke attacking arm down + across center line, step thru, twist and get under arm, tuck chin, bring arm around to uke shoulder, bend knees + lock

*instead of catching uke grab with an "L" of hand and doing a NIKKYU, catch uke's hand from the inside amd lead it towards you from the inside as you step back, and then let this hand wrap over top of uke's attacking hand and bring it down and across body centerline, let other hand grab top of uke wrist and now you're set up to do SHIHONAGE. Take step thru. Finish with SHIHONAGE.

14. same as above, but this time when you wrap around the top of uke's attacking hand (move #1), swipe it away with your other hand (#2) then your first hand catches thumb side of uke's hand for KOTOGAESHI lock, and other hand applies lock with hip turn

15. katana nage: same above except katana nage. don't rise, stay low

16. kotogaeshi 10: same above but except stepping thru + cross uke, step to uke's lead toe for taisabaki, non lead hand's back of hand crosses onto of arm + back to uke hand , lead hand grabs for kotogaeshi 10 lock, finish taisabaki + kotogaeshi 10, lock

17. sensei c's version of lead thru body + shikodachi: same above except step back to shiko dachi, lead hand draws uke straight to u, non lead hand catches under uke arm, bring weight down, don't pull with arms, push hips forward, look straight, don't bend fwd at hips or will fall fwd

18. uke takes step - lead hand parries from inside, wrist turns away from centerline to catch uke arm on top + lead foot takes step back. (Do not pull uke arm, just lead) Other hand grabs uke's upper arm and applies rotation/twist in direction of its thumb. Kneel the original lead leg/foot -knee on ground - to bring uke to take a forward roll. face same direction forward when attacked.

19. sensei maria's lead + shiko dachi: let uke go for grab, but then swing door open by opening shoulder, lead hand grab from inside. other hand to uke bicep. bring weight down into shiko dachi
and parrying brings uke hand to ground and they take forward roll


1. katana nage
taisabaki, thumb of grabbed wrist rolls over uke hand and leads into direction of uke's roll, don't let elbow rise or stray from body, don't let lead arm collapse to body. after taisabaki, put inside arm/shoulder (not grabbed) into uke's armpit, and your grabbed wrist is kept in your body's center. with arm under uke shoulder, have hand facing palm side up and roll arm over to palm side down, as you hitch step to make uke forward roll. hitch step downward keeping knees bent. think down, bring uke down. seems like uke is off balance when shoulder is in uke arm pit and you hitch step and brings hand down
* katana nage -
MVD said... the technique you described from a cross hand wrist grab, where you tai sabaki in next to uke, leading them forward, and place free arm in the arm pit to throw them into a roll is called katana nage, which means sword throw; one is supposed to imagine the hand in uke's arm pit as a sword, cutting down, as one throws.

2 Hitch step at an angle away from uke + crossing center line, then take another step forward with other leg through uke with shoulder in uke arm pit. Bend knees on the way down with each step to bring uke down.

bend knees, step sideways and away from center with 45 degree angle facing uke, snake grabbed hand outward/under uke hand and around to catch uke forearm from its outside edge.

don't lift uke's arm while snaking around wrist. If you have small hands like me, sensei maria says to bring immediately up, rather than circling around uke's wrist.

after catching uke forearm with this hand, free hand places over uke's grabbing hand to secure onto your wrist/forearm, uke's elbow should be bent.

can create bend with the grabbed hand's fingers caught on uke arm, after snaking around wrist,

bend knee, roll wrists fwd to cause wrist pain. roll with steady pressure, not jerky motion. align obi knot to knot. It's the wrist pain that brings uke down, not forcing with arms, Then outside hand thumb goes catches under uke elbow, lead uke elbow to uke's ear as you step in, bring down. Then lock

4. Kote gaeshi
step to side away from uke, roll hand over uke hand against uke's thumb, little fingers of other hand catch uke hand/thumb side, twist hips to apply lock, step w/ uke fall and aid roll over to belly + lock

5. shihonage
step in + crossing the center line with back leg and stepping close to uke, thumb turns over uke wrist, keep uke arm straight, elbows to chest, head close to uke, bend knee for take down, loosen grip to protect uke.

a. bend knee, so elbows are below attacked wrist. Then snake around to outside edge of uke's forearm. Pivot hips and take off balance. Hitch step downward with other hand on uke elbow. Take another step and walk them down.

b. 2nd technique that does the above, except after snaking around uke's wrist, hitch step downward/deeply to an angle away from uke. put shoulder into uke's shoulder. Then take another step downward with following leg towards uke.

* don't have to wait to be grabbed, whole body gets into technique

A. Bend knees, get low, and grabbed wrist's arm angles up to bend uke's elbow and create a window to step under. Hitch step deeply and immediately place uke's arm against shoulder. Other hand grabs with three fingers wrapped around outside edge of hand and palm of other hand is flat against uke's back of hand. Grabbed wrist can grab fingers and strengthen pin against chest. If uke's wrist is in fist no need to grab the fingers, just turn. Always keep wrist straight with forearm. Pivot around hips, whole body applies the twist with uke's hand pinned to body. Following leg steps back to get out of the way of uke's hip. (When on the street, you'd turn with no mercy and break/dislocate wrist.) stay behind uke. But, after uke taps due to pain, then you bring wrist/hand with your hip as you step around 180 degrees. Other hand goes ontop of uke's elbow and take down. When on the ground, make sure all weight is over elbow to prevent uke to run/roll away. Apply lock.

8. Shoulder roll with step
lead hand immediately goes for uke shoulder, step to shiko dachi stance, hand that's being grabbed- immediate turn your hand over, rotating thumbside and lead ukes hand up, your elbow down, and lead uke hand up as your other hand on shoulder rolls the joint back, not downward, then drop the hips immediately down centerline for take down. The lead hand creates the off balance, the hips driving down centerline of body is the take down.

9. step in, slightly turn hip, strike through uke aiming at face (which begins off balance) then immediate drop weight straight down between legs (not forward) for take down. lock. "cut through uke"

10. throw arm down in vertical locked position
taisabaki- catch hand by rolling thumb over so uke hand is below your palm and caught, taisabaki, other hand grabs elbow and locks arm in very vertical position to ground, hitch step forward, don't push with arms, go down with arms, use body momentum in the hitch step. uke takes forward roll.

see video

11 do same above, but step in front of uke, put shoulder into uke's arm pit and follow through with throw
see video
see video

12. step in w/ back leg, let thumb/hand roll over uke hand, so uke grabbing hand is now under your grabbed hand, outside hand smack uke face, goes down centerline of uke as you turn and snake this hand under uke elbow to your own wrist, create tiger lock, step back leg into shiko dachi, knee on head, lock with uke elbow to chest, and wrist bent down + toward u

THROW: ippon seionage - shoulder throw (clips uke bicep)

1. Step to uke's inside toe. When you pull uke's gi, you do NOT pull UP, you pull to you as you look at your watch
3. clip uke's bicep with other elbow. Keep your shoulder and clip forward and not behind you.
4. bring heels together. load onto hip as you keep pulling on uke.
5. TWIST hips for thrown and finish by looking behind you

another version from sensei c:
1. grab on uke's wrist, step in while you lead arm straight up, clip, heels together, twist hip and through

ippon seionage change up with a knee. you do ippon until you clip and got both heels together but it's not working? so then sensei c said to heel kick on the same side as the arm clip, then immediate place kicking leg behind ukes same side foot and immediately bring clipping arm down so that its hand can grab other side of pinned leg. then you knee into uke knee. and then spin around, kneel on big nerve above knee and step away to the side to be defensive

3. defend against ippon: a save w/ uke throw while tori on ground: grab each other's lapels (arm and chest), uke sets up for ippon, but as soon as you feel the set up, jump to side of uke's clipping arm, still holding on ukes gi, continue direction of jump and land body perpendicular to uke's body, throw uke over body w/ legs blocking uke's feet, push out w/ hips during throw

Forward Roll

1. Roll in a straight line on ground
2. Roll from shoulder to opposite side hip
3. Reach out when you roll. Put knife edge of hand far from you.
4. BREATHE OUT when you roll
5. Get up back into Hamni

Variation: When you slap whole arm slaps, not just hand.

Back Fall

1. Arms cross in front.
2. Tuck chin
3. bend knees
4. sit down, exhale
5. Slap hard at 45 degrees angle
6. stare at obi knot


a. Same side attack. Hitch step and arm/hand of front leg (furthest from uke's center) taps punch away.
* boom boom is fast pats, rolling the shoulder to corner is emphasis
* keep elbow down, no chicken wings
b. Back leg follows with hitch step
c. Other hand keeps punch arm away
d. Hand that tapped punch away now holds shoulder and rolls over shoulder joint to take down uke with hand and bend knees.
e. foot monkey claw hooks behind attacking-side leg and sweeps in full.
* pull forward, not up on leg

* timing is everything, don't hitch step too deep or uke is too forward + too difficult to roll shoulder, don't hitch step too soon or you have don't have uke leg forward enough for sweep - if legs are parallel and there is no lead leg to sweep, change technique says sensei s.

*boom boom sweep variation
we did a version where we parried with knife edge of leading hand and second hand, wrist of leading hand bent then hit face of uke, and with hand in cupping position, immediately goes to roll uke shoulder and create off balance, lead foot pulls uke leg forward on ground from the heel. The pull should not lift foot upwards

a. opposite stance - taisabaki entry
b. hands on BOTH uke SHOULDERS. Roll shoulders back. Keep elbows in and tucked.
c. bring foot around behind the other
d. PULL DOWN TO CORNER BY TWISTING HIPS and bringing weight straight down.
if pulling down doesn't work, can kick outside edge of foot into uke's back of knee-right?

a. same side attack. same side arm parries attack. back leg steps into attacking side foot/big toe.
b. back arm grabs back of uke. keep your shoulder in front.
c. bring heels together. stand with back straight.
d. bend knees. load onto hip with your own shoulder foward. twist hips to throw. look over the side and behind you to the corner.

4. parry + neck choke
same side attack, slap away uke's attacking arm and hitch step and do one of the following:
NECK CHOKE where blade of hand (thumbside) tucks under uke's chin and curls in and up as other pulls. side of head is resting against uke's head.

* ARM/NECK CHOkE- a choke shown by sensei steven. Uke goes for forward punch. Hitch step and block (softly) with both forearms, outside arm punches ribs, thumb side of arm closest to uke slides up centerline with scooping motion, outside arm pushes small of back to create even more off balance, apply choke with arm infront of larynx having its hand grab bicep side of elbow joint and other arm pushing head forward. Take a few steps back to apply more pressure. uke could do shoulder throw if not offbalanced

cari showed that if uke is not in off-balance, uke could take a shoulder throw-ippon seionage as response..

5. HEEL strike with hand
Parry with outside arm to centerline and hitch step. Arm closest to uke's center line, has heel of hand ride up the centerline/chest of uke up to chin, then claw with your hands over face for a take down.

6. shihonage
with hitch step entry, parry, finish

7. SANKYU (same side)
Hitch step. Same side hand (or both hands?) goes to chest for block. Other hand goes to attacking-side elbow, puts hand flat on inner side of forearm to bend elbow up and back, and takes uke off balance (not by pulling straight back, but at an angle and away from uke's centerline and create a window), step in with following leg with knees really bent and a "window" created by bending uke's elbow. Blocking hand slides down to place palm tightly behind ukes hand. If the uke hand is in fist, no need to use other hand to apply lock. but if hand is open, take other hand and grab uke's fingers. Have Uke's hand pinned to your shoulder. Then pivot from hips in one motion. If in a real life situation, you would pivot and spin like crazy, but apply pain till uke taps. Then leg cloest to uke steps out to shigadachi, while "attaching" the uke hand to hip to straighten out arm. Keep Elbow, forearm, wrist straight and vertical when applying lock and keep head behind arm so uke can't punch head. Other arm is presses against uke's elbow, and points to same side foot, causes uke to do face fall. Lock.

* hitch step, parry w/ 2 hands, non lead hand bends punching arm @ 90 degrees to make a window for sankyu, step through, do sankyu lock, then sensei s showed that you could leap @ 45 degree angle using outside leg. this leg lands and you rotate body, now facing uke, kneeling, their arm stretched out, take down.

Parry with same side arm + push striking arm across uke's body/centerline. this makes room for knee kick,
and knee kick at same time.

Grab back of uke head with other hand (nape) drop weight at same time as bring uke's striking arm over/behind + put kicking knee around behind you (not in front of you where uke could fall on) and swing attacking arm up/behind uke as uke bends over. direct uke arm diagnolly across uke's back toward opposite shoulder and into foward roll while stepping through w/ same side leg.

hitch step, block punch with quarter turn, as arm pulls back, grab the crook of elbow and twist hip and drive to the ground

hitch step, block punch and keep uke arm in front, elbow strike to shoulder by turning hips and striking through to take off balance and take down. keep elbow strike in front of body and forearm parallel to floor

11. Kotogaeshi 10
* when taisabaki and catch uke arm, don't bring that arm down to ground, lead it around at elbow height
* stay close to uke when you catch elbow during taisabaki entry, let lead hand slide down to wrist, don't grab wrist first and don't leave a lot of space btween u + uke
* step back in angle away from uke

12. kotogaeshi
hitch step, parry, three finger grab, apply lock to back of hand and twist hip

13. vertical arm throw
taisabaki entry, put L of hand behind uke elbow and other hand on wrist, raise uke arm perpendicular up and with wrist rotate down (not forward to make uke take forward roll

14. heel kick to forward punch.
Standing in hamni, uke comes with forward punch. step to side, back leg chambers, same side blocks punch, with stomping motion do a heel kick on the back of uke forward leg. rechamber and place foot on ground, while hand's thumb hooks under uke's elbow to roll over and do an ikkyu. sensei maria said to not raise the uke elbow up, but to roll and step uke out.
must remember to not rise when applying technique

15. ikkyu to non-punching hand/arm of uke
hitch step, parry w/ both hands, uke's non-punch hand in front of chest, take this hand/arm + do ikkyu w/ cutting arm across uke's centerline by powering straight down with hips, take down

16. arm immediately down on taisabaki

taisabaki, catch + uke arm immediately down, uke takes roll

17. strike thru center
hitch step, strike thru w/ lead hand w/ pinky side/knife edge. striking lead hand really shoots for center line. sensei said doesn't matter where you make contact, attack at shoulder height, when you have struck, don't push uke back, but bring weight immediately down

18. when strike thru doesn't work, add a little taisabaki,
lead arm pins uke to body @ uke biceps + other hand holds uke lower arm - kinda feels like an armbar @ elbow, finish w/ hitch step, uke rolls out.

* dixon and i did this w/ knives and it was cool to catch the knife by your hip as uke rolled out

19. like ippon entry, but pull uke forward, hip 2 in below uke waist, feet in t, shoulder not behind you, arm diagnol behind uke, twist and throw

20. hitchstep, parry,grab punching arm, pull a little forward, other arm strikes below noes, bridge of nose, cut down, uke takes back fall

21. hitchstep, parry, strike thru face and place arm across uke collarbone, neck, hip twist down, uke takes back fall


1. A basic block where blocking arm comes up center, forearm/hand rotates toward uke to catch arm/elbow of uke, make uke's elbow go straight down, your hand catches uke's arm.

2. Close Window. Hitch step entry -very deep so that you are behind uke. Twisting hips to face corner. Outside Hand (furthest from uke's center) grabs uke wrist. Inside arm has hand roll over uke shoulder for take down. Move before uke moves. Back stays vertical to keep center balance. Think bringing the arm downward as soon as you block.
2b. Close window. Same above, except after catching arm, snake outside hand (furthest from uke center) around attacking arm, place lead hand on shoulder and apply lock while still in hanmi. Then pivot towards uke's centerline to change stance. Loose lock a bit and step into shiko dachi stance. Then following leg turns to kneel on floor. Straighten back to apply another lock.

3. O Soto Gari. (big wheel sweep) Like above, except back foot follows behind to place butt behind uke but, foot behind uke's leg, then sweep with straight leg, foot pointed.
- osotogari on roundhouse. hitch step, don't grab uke arm, but block at shoulder and grab wrist and bring it down (especially if it has a knife) turn to corner, sweep, lock. take knife away if there.
mvd said...and yes, on osotogeri from a roundhouse punch or a knife slash, you feinitely do want to roll the shoulder down with the edge or palm of your hand, especially if uke is taller than you are.

4. SANKYU. hitch step deeply, get under arm by bending knees not back. Lead hand blocks, following hand goes to uke's shoulder. (Or another variation is to block punch at the forearm and elbow strike as you hitch step) Lead hand places attacking arm against chest, with 3 finger hold on outside edge of hand. Following hand grabs uke's attacking hand, with gun shape so pointer finger does a slice across the body when turning and imagine a spiral fracture from wrist up to elbow- sensei maria explained this as it is important to keep forearm and wrist straight and vertical. Take another step out to shiko dachi. The power of the twist of this, comes from the hips, not arms. Pretend uke arm is attached to your hip and whip out together. After this pain, continue without loosening lock, by bring leg (side with uke's hand) around to straighten arm. The hold should follow hip turn. Put arm on uke elbow. Bend knees for a take down. Lock.

5. foot sweep from inside (don't know name) Step into inside. Lead hand parries. Following hand goes to uke shoulder. Take off balance = turn hip. Stepping foot makes monkey claw, catches uke's lead foot from inside (between legs) and pulls forward. The catch is not a wide circle or up, but a straight forward pull.

6. swipe punch away, roll both shoulders from behind Sensei Stephen showed: a block like close the window, but this time swipe uke arm across the body center line with body hands (if uke had knife you'd swipe arm toward uke to cut himself). Both hands on back of shoulders -roll a bit off balance? Side step and step around to get out of way. Want to stay very close to uke body when doing this movement.

7. armbar + shikodachi - Step in with opposite side of uke stepping foot. Parry with same side arm of attacking arm of uke. Elbow strike to face or punch solar plexus. Striking arm goes to uke wrist/arm and pin to body as parrying lead arm wraps underneath elbow of uke and drapes over shoulder. Immediately bring weight down as you go to shiko dachi for lock.

*standing in same side hanmi (legs mirrored.) uke steps for round house, hitch step in with elbow strike on lead leg side. other arm blocks punch and then punch ribs. then punch arm snakes over uke's arm while other hand secures wrist. lead leg steps back into shikodachi. uke is flat on ground. sensei showed a new lock to me: you put one foot in front of uke's shoulder, and another behind, and you keep uke arm perpendicular to ground.

8. uke steps in with round house. back leg steps in, both arms blocks attacking arm, heels together, bring arm straight down, uke takes forward roll or breakfall.

9.for tiger lock on round house punch
-hitch step, and block -ideally you want to close window, right? but then it doesn't work, so apply tiger lock. after you hitch step, twist hip, so hamni is facing uke, let outside wrist snake around, under uke elbow straight to your other wrist. be sure to have uke off balance with rolling of shoulder. roll wrists forward to apply lock. gently take down. then turn hip to apply lock with tiger lock. mvd said...

with the tiger lock, it is important to bring the uke down to your height and not reach up to him. also, the hand that is rolling the shoulder does nothing else -- once the shoulder is rolled, it just keeps it rolled. the action is with the other hand. the closer you can get your won hand to your wrist, the more likely you will be to be properly positioned on uke's elbow.

10. shihonage - parry w/ step, so uke + u are in opposite stance (i.e. both right leg fwd), arm on same side of your lead leg can strike uke in gut, then take this arm and put under uke elbow of arm that struck + other hand helps bend uke elbow, grab uke wrist w/ arm in crook of uke elbow, following leg steps laterally outside, drop weight for shihonage take down

11. - round house - ippon seionage (?) uke punches, step in, block hip with your hip, get inside the punch as a way to defend from getting hit, body close to uke chest, back straight, bend knees, heels together, grab uke gi, clip bicep, twist hip. it doesn't really work if you do technique slow. sensei c emphasized doing this fast and not slow

12 - round house - wipe uke off thigh - don't know what this is called, but ippon seionage doesn't work, change to this technique, after setting up for shoulder throw and doesn't work, step out to side, bring leg behind uke, back straight, uke off balance, leg brought behind uke should have foot right behind uke foot, sensei c showed to lead the elbow up the centerline of uke to uke face, and cut down with arm/ power with hip. alternatively, can pick uke up by behind knees/pants and throw over thigh. end by turning around and facing uke + lock

13 - round house - hitch step, block w/ 2 hands, punch into nerve between bone/bicep muscle w/ non lead hand, one forearm (nonlead) under uke elbow, lead hand aids shihonage lock while you do a taisabai around uke so that body is fully behind uke. w/ shihonage lock and trachea choke, can lead uke backwards, use uke as a shield "in a bar" (says sensei s), and if you want to bring to floor, simply bend knees/drop weight (shown by sensei s)

14. choke/throw head: hitch step, block forearm + bicep, strike neck, outside arm crosses under arm that just struck uke, crosses ukes' center line and up around neck to other hand, clasp hands, choke uke neck by squeezing forearms together, get out of way of uke's imminent fall, pull uke straight down,

15. grab label + round house punch: side step and move away from punch, deflect w/ same side, catch w/ opp. hand, same side hand bends uke arm @ elbow, apply nikkyu, take down

16. grab lapel + round house punch: ippon seionage

17. round house- throw arm + uke forward/same direction as attack - uke strikes, hitch step in, back leg steps in like going for ippon, arm catches punch when arm already past u, not before or to side, heels together then just bring weight down, uke takes forward roll

18. same side arm comes up to block punc/protect face, other arm jabs ukes in front as you step in + take center, can knee kick into uke inner thigh of uke lead leg, foot sweep, roll shoulder. elizabeth says helps to step to take center as soon as you see leg coming forward

NEW --
1. round house punch - close window: lead with hip, not arms when hitch stepping in. notice that sensei maria's hands lead first w/ back of wrists and last minute catches uke's arm w/ palm-side of hands. don't why this is so, but very interesting to watch. don't rise up when stepping, stay low.

2. round house punch - catch crook of elbow, turn hip, bend knees: trying to do close window, but doesn't work, then inside forearm hooks into uke's elbow and pulls toward own body to bend striking arm, catch uke wrist w/ both arms w/ uke arm now bent, twist hips which should cause great off balance to uke, bend knees for take down.

* felt like there was no struggle to take uke off balance w/ the twisting of hip

3. round house punch - parry + step even straighter, knife edge hand to crook of hip + uke takes back fall

* notice that when stepping in, feel like taking center, especially when your knee nudges up against uke's knee.

4. round house punch - step in + parry, sweep striking arm down + catch and pull across uke center line + keep turning uke's wrist, step thru to opposite side uke toe, apply shihonage

5. round house punch - shihonage save w/ kotogaeshi: uke saves self from shihonage that you are trying apply, immediately step to side of uke, attacking arm now right next to/almost parallel to ground your hand/arm, step back + kotogaeshi

6. ippon seionage drills - really clip uke bicep w/ crook of elbow, feet together, back straight, face is straight + not looking down, don't bend at butt, twist hip and look to the side + behind you

7. round house punch - ippon seionage: 2nd time i got knocked in head because I was too slow to hitch step in. need to hitch step into + very close to uke/bodies touching - helps avoid punch

8. round house punch - elbow strike + head throw: step in + elbow strike + parry punch (u + uke in opposite stances), elbow striking arm immediately grabs opposite side ear + other arm goes for other uke ear, make sure u catch uke head in front of you + not behind you otherwise not effective, leg of elbow striking side arm kneels to ground as the twisting of hip aids in bringing uke head straight down. don't throw uke head forward but straight down. uke takes breakfall but can roll out too

9. round house punch - katanage: step in + parry, sweep uke striking arm down + across center line of uke, take off balance, stuff shoulder into uke arm pit and step thru uke - feels like your the center of your forward momentum with stepping thru crosses uke's centerline, uke is off balance + takes roll

choke/throw head: hitch step, block forearm + bicep, strike neck, outside arm crosses under arm that just struck uke, crosses ukes' center line and up around neck to other hand, clasp hands, choke uke neck by squeezing forearms together, get out of way of uke's imminent fall, pull uke straight down,

* round house - hitch step into center of uke, strike to neck, striking hand slides down outside edge of uke's attack arm and brings uke arm over to your shoulder, apply sankyu as outside leg step around and behind u, stuff uke elbow into arm pit + apply another lock with hand sneaking under uke's pinned forearm + to your own wrist, shoulders back, backstraight, create lock, inside leg then kneels as you take uke straight to ground, apply ground lock

1 - round house - ippon seionage (?) uke punches, step in, block hip with your hip, get inside the punch as a way to defend from getting hit, body close to uke chest, back straight, bend knees, heels together, grab uke gi, clip bicep, twist hip. it doesn't really work if you do technique slow. sensei c emphasized doing this fast and not slow

2 - round house - wipe uke off thigh - don't know what this is called, but ippon seionage doesn't work, change to this technique, after setting up for shoulder throw and doesn't work, step out to side, bring leg behind uke, back straight, uke off balance, leg brought behind uke should have foot right behind uke foot, sensei c showed to lead the elbow up the centerline of uke to uke face, and cut down with arm/ power with hip. alternatively, can pick uke up by behind knees/pants and throw over thigh. end by turning around and facing uke + lock

3 - round house - hitch step, block w/ 2 hands, punch into nerve between bone/bicep muscle w/ non lead hand, one forearm (nonlead) under uke elbow, lead hand aids shihonage lock while you do a taisabai around uke so that body is fully behind uke. w/ shihonage lock and trachea choke, can lead uke backwards, use uke as a shield "in a bar" (says sensei s), and if you want to bring to floor, simply bend knees/drop weight (shown by sensei s)

10 round house - hip throw: hitch step to uke lead foot, heels together, back straight, one arm grabbin pulling uke gi at their forearm, while other hand/arm is behind uke and cutting across and over uke shoulder to aid throw, uke loaded on hip, throw.

6. new! round house - parry w/ step, so uke + u are in opposite stance (i.e. both right leg fwd), arm on same side of your lead leg can strike uke in gut, then take this arm and put under uke elbow of arm that struck + other hand helps bend uke elbow, grab uke wrist w/ arm in crook of uke elbow, following leg steps laterally outside, drop weight for shihonage take down

* step in opposite of striking arm, breath out, parry with two hands, keep elbow down, keep off balance, lead leg catches ankle and pulls forward and falls on back

Or lead leg can sweep foot up, and you catch foot, tiger lock with hand over knee and the other wrapped under + holding other wrist, leg/toes on uke’s pressure point, straighten back to apply lock

5. round house punch: standing in same side hanmi (mirrored.) uke steps for round house, hitch step in with elbow strike on lead leg side. other arm blocks punch and then punch ribs. then punch arm snakes over uke's arm while other hand secures wrist. lead leg steps back into shikodachi. uke is flat on ground. sensei showed a new lock to me: you put one foot in front of uke's shoulder, and another behind, and you keep uke arm perpendicular to ground.

3. round house punch- step into uke with opposite side, block with same side arm, palm heel strike chin. I forgot the rest.

EXERCISE: Foot Sweeps


1. Left Hamni. Then immediately switch to Right Hamni. Then repeat.
2. Do above, only this time when switching hamni, let the leg sweep in large arc, half inch above floor before placing on floor.
3. In hamni. Hitch step, back leg follows, front leg makes large arc sweep with a monkely claw action in sweeping foot to catch uke leg and follow through.
4. Stand up against wall. Feet are on same line with each other. Take one leg and let it cross over the other leg. Leg that is now behind takes a step forward (still behind leg that crossed over.) Leg that crossed over goes back the other direction, to make a large arc, hook (uke's leg), pivot and turn toward uke's center so that uke falls backward. If you fell with uke, you would fall on top with hands hold gi.

ATTACK: High Pin Rear Bear Hug Attack -- High above elbows

1 -
1. Turn thumbs in, bend knees, drop weight
2. Pivot hips
3. Elbow strike. Striking arm takes hold of uke's hand that is on opposite side of body
4. Foot on same side of striking elbow: Step 180 degrees in direction facing uke while pulling hand. Do not let your head trail behind or get caught in a nelson.
5. After stepping out, arm closest to uke, rests against uke's elbow, whose arm is now fully extended and 90 degrees in relation to body.
7. LOCK: Pin elbow down and bend wrist, with ankle as buttress and added pressure.

another technique using sensei coleman's variation
1. do above but when you spin out you put your shoulder to the uke elbow and use shoulder to drive uke down to ground.
2. put knee on head
3. put arm closest to uke legs under uke elbow
4. turn hips as you apply lock

this technique involves throwing over one leg
1. do above but as soon as you turn your little fingers out, drop weigh and step out to side, then bring feet together, with back straight, then take leg and step behind uke, so foot is behind uke foot furthest from you, by having back straight, uke should be off balance. then there are two ways to take downe
2a. catch the crook behind both knees and flip uke over your thigh
2b. or "wipe them off you" with both hands, elbow goes to chin and arm rolls with palmside up

-from last week, i remember to not bend down from waist, but bend knees and keep back straight in a high pin take down. same goes for picking up knife on ground.



turn thumbs in, drop weight as your hands catches ukes hands and pins to
your chest (sensei stephen), bend knees
grab hand across body (3finger lock setup for sankyu i think)
step behind so your body is behind uke and uke's hand is
firmly placed against shoulder closest to uke
apply lock
(sensei s does this fancy step like taisabaki kata 4 and 5)
twist hips and step out to shikodachi. ukes hand tied to your hip
and stretch uke out
hand over elbow and pin onto ground.

turn thumbs in, drop weight, bend knees, back straight, hand catches ukes hands
and pins to chest

Attack: Low Rear Bear Hug/ Lo Pin

1. Turn thumbs in, bend knees
2. Heel kick uke's groin
3. Let kicking foot slide down uke's leg. it must start high up on uke legs to get most leverage in creating off balance. as you slide so does your weight shift to that foot so that all your weight is going that direction. and place foot behind uke's foot.
4. Transferring body weight to that foot behind uke. Twist hips, and foot lands right next to uke so you're standing right above him.
5. Pivoting hips should allow other foot to follow and place right next to uke torso. You stand close to uke, and not far away, lest you get wacked and kicked.
6. To regain balance, knee in presure point just above uke's knee cap on inner thigh.
7. Then the foot between uke's legs rises, gives heel kick to face, step over uke, kiai, and run away.

* remember to immediately shift weight to leg wrapping around uke's leg. pressure point is alongside inner thigh. when stepping around, step so that your foot lands right next to uke, so your on top of him/her. it makes uke think you'll fall on top which is scary.

* turn thumbs in, bend knees, heel kick, immediately snake behind uke's leg and shift weight on to foot being place behind uke's foot, knee into big nerve, heel kick face.

Face Fall

1. Equilateral Triange with arms
2. Turn face to side
3. Bend knees, shoot legs backward.
4. exhale. Arms and face go where feet were.


one arm pull back mug

1. Lean back on Uke.
2. Take your hand that is the same side of Uke's attacking arm and grab choking elbow to loosen choke. use little fingers.
3. Take step back with your leg on same side of attacking arm of uke. Place foot behind Uke foot.
4. Pivot with your hips, away from uke's center. bum behind uke bum.
5. Sweep with your leg closest to uke. Keep leg straight. point foot. Stand close to uke otherwise possible return kick. Lock

one arm mug -straight up
1. shoulder throw, like ippon seionage

1. few fingers sneak in elbow crook of uke - loosen choke
2. bend knees, dropping weight straight down releases choke. don't try to use arm power, but own body weight down
3. feet together on balls of feet
4. load onto hip and twist around hip for throw.
note. when being thrown, tense the legs a bit to prevent over rotating and landing on belly than side of body. tensing the legs prevents them from swinging around and over rotating (cari's tip)
5. sensei showed that after throw you could drive knee into side of uke when on ground. but important to stand with back straight and close to uke so that you don't get kicked.
* sensei s says to watch w/ eyes when arm comes around to choke neck, no need to wait till choke is on, heels together, catch w/ little fingers in crook of uke neck, drop weight, and throw over shoulder. when u uke, keep chest pressed against uke back and stand square on, not rotate shoulder torward the tori shoulder that you will go over.
*one must drop weight to release choke and be sure to grab crook of elbow and throw quickly

2. sankyu take choke off with sameside hand, bring weight down, twist hips. elbow strike with other arm, after strike, striking arm grabs choking side uke hand. leg on same side of striking elbow, takes step back as arm that took choke off has its hand push uke elbow forward off your neck/over your head. be standing behind uke and do sankyu lock. take uke hand/ attach to your hip, twist and take down.

one arm mug to inside
1. take choke off with little fingers, go where they're pulling, on to both knees, and twisting motion from shoulder to hip

- one arm mug - like ippon seionage but drop to knees: foot on side not attacked steps super deep between uke legs, catch choke w/ little fingers, drop to both knees + twist from hips, uke is thrown and you face not down but to side.
* there was a ground lock where both knees were under uke's shoulder, uke was lying on back after throw, grab obi knot, compress neck. must be careful since everyone's neck is different.

*1st 2x doing this I dropped to my knees and did not twist @ hips and look to side. thus, my head banged the matt. thank god, it was just elizabeth. good form helps not get injured in first place, i am learning

2. one arm mug from inside - shihonage w/ elbow strike: elbow strike on side not attacked, bend forward to inside and let hands prepare for shihonage, step around to side + shihonage uke arm, bend knees in shiko hachi stances for take down ( i think ) and lock

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Side Fall

1. Side of body that is not taking fall has its hand holding on to obi knot.
a. knee bends to bring body to floor
2. Side of body that is taking fall: arm and leg move together and forward together.
a. foot sweeps along side
b. hand + arm slap hard and back up like a hot stove. Arm slaps at 60 degrees in relation to body.
c. you are looking at your slapping hand, so that you fall on the side, not on your back.
3. Always tuck chin throughout fall.

Hitch Step Entry

1. Always Bend knees. Do not rise up and down.
2. Weight stays on ball of foot
3. Defending arm must be positioned below eye level. The other arm has hand positioned in front of solar plexus.
4. Step in deep and close.
5. After stepping in, hip should pivot and click right behind uke.
6. A good final position after hitch step, is to have outside hand reaching elbow and arm closest to uke resting on the shoulder of the same side.
7. Keep eyes always on opponent.
8. Hitch step in a line.
9. Hand movement- the hand closest to solar plexus rises upward, twists so palm faces face and ear, and ends up as defending arm in front with the other arm now protecting solar plexus.

Taisabaki Entry

1. Always bend knees.
2. Weight is 50-50
3. Stay on balls of feet and keep feet on ground, don't pick up.
4. Tuck chin if your short, otherwise get knocked out with a shoulder.
5. Step (straight forward), pivot with hips, turn, step (straight back with other leg)
6. Step in a line
7. Do not lean back as you pivot. Always stand up straight with back straight.
8. Let arms relax and flow along side.
9. Step closer and deeper.
10. It is the turning of the hips, the pivot, that avoids the forward punch by uke.

Random and Quasi-deep thoughts

I am trying my best to remember everything the senseis say in class to help with the learning and recall process. Hence, the blog. I encourage contribution if you find this blog helpful, and I hope it is. I will constantly edit, correct, add pictures, video or whatever I can that will be helpful.

>>> My personal thougths are in this entry only so as to not clog up the days with my babbling...

1. I have to say that the senseis are by far the most talented instructors. I've had pretty bad teachers (in other fields), but it's such an inspiration to see such great instruction.

2. Some may not be able to relate, but I see learning martial arts like composing music or speaking a new language.

The initial learning phase strikes me as one consisting of learning basic building blocks in a sensible, purposeful order, which are later put together to create a "dialogue."

Music and language have structure, organization of smaller elements that move “Time” forward – it’s the timing and temporal organization of these smaller elements that make musical lines or sentences work and "make sense." It's similar to me as I work through a series movements and timing to take the uke down.

I enjoy observing and trying to correct movements to be
more concise, precise, meaningful, and practical. But the difference,as Sensei Coleman put it, is to not intellectualize/look inwardly so much and focus more on “acting upon the uke.” I can’t imagine myself trying to edit my movements (like I can when I write) when I have to defend (or attack.) You just go and it’s very instinctual/intuitive and things happen faster…

When I watch the senseis, I am in awe of their peace, control, concentration, and external-internal awareness. Or at least that is what I perceive. I was thinking that a good fighter is like an endurance racer - one who conserves the energy most and expends it at only the most crucial moments. And even when you sprint to the last finish, when you're at the highpoint of an intense moment (a punch/kick), you’re still following a set of motions, breathing, balance and posturing that tries to save the most energy. Just a thought...