ATTACK: Knife thrust forward thrust

1. KOTEGAESHIhitch step a) parry with forearm by twisting hip to redirect forward momentum of uke b) hitch step as you grab hand with your hand closest to uke (i.e. the arm that blocked knife thrust) as soon as hand grabs uke's knife hand begin twisting wrist c) pivot hips back in the other direction and continue to twist wrist with a kotogaeshi lock d) take step e) cross step over uke's head while grabbing elbow f) pin shoulder to ground and point hand to ears.
2. Advanced technique elbow lock to chest. Hitch step, parry with both forearms (shown by sensei steven). Arm closest to uke sneaks under uke elbow and catches crook of inside of elbow to bend it. Other hand grabs and bends wrist downward with knife. After bending elbow and pinning elbow joint to chest with lock, apply more bend with other hand which just bent the elbow.
3. tiger lock on forward knife thrust in case other technique doesn't work. hitch step and strike through, grab knife with other hand. and turn hips while hand goes down centerline. arm under uke elbow, shoulders down, roll wrist forward. loosen lock and take down. lock on ground. take knife away
4. kotogaeshi 10 with hitch step + half taisabaki. end in hamni
always face tori. keep hands in center through out
face corner in finish
5. pray mantis thing - step in, with outside hand pushing arm away, inside hand going to shoulder for shoulder roll, place both hands close to center and bring down - sensei c shared a kid swing around a stop sign analogy, get out of uke's way when he does back fall
6. try to do pray mantis thing, but doesn't work, so switch up and do katananage
(sword throw, i think)
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