ATTACK: double lapel grab
1. One up, one down. one arm pulls down on elbow as you bring your weight down. For us super compact (short) people, this kinda creates an off balance when you get "smaller." The other hand raises uke elbow with thumb under elbow. When that one arm that raises uke elbow, hitch step on that side. Pivot hips to the direction of where you will throw uke into a roll. Then put raised elbow to uke's ear as you step with inside leg
*more detals - be chill and relaxed. hitch step and drop into uke elbow like a deadweight. other hand hooked into uke elbow joint and raises elbow and pushes to uke ear and step through and keep arms in front and not behind and throw uke down/forward
2. Ippon Seionage. one arm snakes over and clips uke's bicep after pull -step, as pivot load onto hip and look over waist behind you. remember to pull up to ear and drape uke on back and keep back straight
3.Harai Goshi (sweeping hip throw) .

4. one hand holds uke hand in place, other hands' fingers to throat
above sternum is pressure point
5. grab both elbow's pressure point and roll/dig in and weight down.
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