1. A
basic block where blocking arm comes up center, forearm/hand rotates toward uke to catch arm/elbow of uke, make uke's elbow go straight down, your hand catches uke's arm.
Close Window. Hitch step entry -very deep so that you are behind uke. Twisting hips to face corner. Outside Hand (furthest from uke's center) grabs uke wrist. Inside arm has hand roll over uke shoulder for take down. Move before uke moves. Back stays vertical to keep center balance. Think bringing the arm downward as soon as you block.
2b. Close window. Same above, except after catching arm, snake outside hand (furthest from uke center) around attacking arm, place lead hand on shoulder and apply lock while still in hanmi. Then pivot towards uke's centerline to change stance. Loose lock a bit and step into shiko dachi stance. Then following leg turns to kneel on floor. Straighten back to apply another lock.
O Soto Gari. (big wheel sweep) Like above, except back foot follows behind to place butt behind uke but, foot behind uke's leg, then sweep with straight leg, foot pointed.
- osotogari on roundhouse. hitch step, don't grab uke arm, but block at shoulder and grab wrist and bring it down (especially if it has a knife) turn to corner, sweep, lock. take knife away if there.
mvd said...and yes, on osotogeri from a roundhouse punch or a knife slash, you feinitely do want to roll the shoulder down with the edge or palm of your hand, especially if uke is taller than you are.4. SANKYU. hitch step deeply, get under arm by bending knees not back. Lead hand blocks, following hand goes to uke's shoulder. (Or another variation is to block punch at the forearm and elbow strike as you hitch step) Lead hand places attacking arm against chest, with 3 finger hold on outside edge of hand. Following hand grabs uke's attacking hand, with gun shape so pointer finger does a slice across the body when turning and imagine a spiral fracture from wrist up to elbow- sensei maria explained this as it is important to keep forearm and wrist straight and vertical. Take another step out to shiko dachi. The power of the twist of this, comes from the hips, not arms. Pretend uke arm is attached to your hip and whip out together. After this pain, continue without loosening lock, by bring leg (side with uke's hand) around to straighten arm. The hold should follow hip turn. Put arm on uke elbow. Bend knees for a take down. Lock.
5. foot sweep from inside (don't know name) Step into inside. Lead hand parries. Following hand goes to uke shoulder. Take off balance = turn hip. Stepping foot makes monkey claw, catches uke's lead foot from inside (between legs) and pulls forward. The catch is not a wide circle or up, but a straight forward pull.

swipe punch away, roll both shoulders from behind Sensei Stephen showed: a block like close the window, but this time swipe uke arm across the body center line with body hands (if uke had knife you'd swipe arm toward uke to cut himself). Both hands on back of shoulders -roll a bit off balance? Side step and step around to get out of way. Want to stay very close to uke body when doing this movement.
7. armbar + shikodachi - Step in with opposite side of uke stepping foot. Parry with same side arm of attacking arm of uke. Elbow strike to face or punch solar plexus. Striking arm goes to uke wrist/arm and pin to body as parrying lead arm wraps underneath elbow of uke and drapes over shoulder. Immediately bring weight down as you go to shiko dachi for lock.
*standing in same side hanmi (legs mirrored.) uke steps for round house, hitch step in with elbow strike on lead leg side. other arm blocks punch and then punch ribs. then punch arm snakes over uke's arm while other hand secures wrist. lead leg steps back into shikodachi. uke is flat on ground. sensei showed a new lock to me: you put one foot in front of uke's shoulder, and another behind, and you keep uke arm perpendicular to ground.
8. uke steps in with round house. back leg steps in, both arms blocks attacking arm, heels together, bring arm straight down, uke takes forward roll or breakfall.
9.for tiger lock on round house punch
-hitch step, and block -ideally you want to close window, right? but then it doesn't work, so apply tiger lock. after you hitch step, twist hip, so hamni is facing uke, let outside wrist snake around, under uke elbow straight to your other wrist. be sure to have uke off balance with rolling of shoulder. roll wrists forward to apply lock. gently take down. then turn hip to apply lock with tiger lock.
mvd said...
with the tiger lock, it is important to bring the uke down to your height and not reach up to him. also, the hand that is rolling the shoulder does nothing else -- once the shoulder is rolled, it just keeps it rolled. the action is with the other hand. the closer you can get your won hand to your wrist, the more likely you will be to be properly positioned on uke's elbow.
shihonage - parry w/ step, so uke + u are in opposite stance (i.e. both right leg fwd), arm on same side of your lead leg can strike uke in gut, then take this arm and put under uke elbow of arm that struck + other hand helps bend uke elbow, grab uke wrist w/ arm in crook of uke elbow, following leg steps laterally outside, drop weight for shihonage take down
11. - round house - ippon seionage (?) uke punches, step in, block hip with your hip, get inside the punch as a way to defend from getting hit, body close to uke chest, back straight, bend knees, heels together, grab uke gi, clip bicep, twist hip. it doesn't really work if you do technique slow. sensei c emphasized doing this fast and not slow
12 - round house - wipe uke off thigh - don't know what this is called, but ippon seionage doesn't work, change to this technique, after setting up for shoulder throw and doesn't work, step out to side, bring leg behind uke, back straight, uke off balance, leg brought behind uke should have foot right behind uke foot, sensei c showed to lead the elbow up the centerline of uke to uke face, and cut down with arm/ power with hip. alternatively, can pick uke up by behind knees/pants and throw over thigh. end by turning around and facing uke + lock
13 - round house - hitch step, block w/ 2 hands, punch into nerve between bone/bicep muscle w/ non lead hand, one forearm (nonlead) under uke elbow, lead hand aids shihonage lock while you do a taisabai around uke so that body is fully behind uke. w/ shihonage lock and trachea choke, can lead uke backwards, use uke as a shield "in a bar" (says sensei s), and if you want to bring to floor, simply bend knees/drop weight (shown by sensei s)
14. choke/throw head: hitch step, block forearm + bicep, strike neck, outside arm crosses under arm that just struck uke, crosses ukes' center line and up around neck to other hand, clasp hands, choke uke neck by squeezing forearms together, get out of way of uke's imminent fall, pull uke straight down,
15. grab label + round house punch: side step and move away from punch, deflect w/ same side, catch w/ opp. hand, same side hand bends uke arm @ elbow, apply nikkyu, take down
16. grab lapel + round house punch: ippon seionage
17. round house- throw arm + uke forward/same direction as attack - uke strikes, hitch step in, back leg steps in like going for ippon, arm catches punch when arm already past u, not before or to side, heels together then just bring weight down, uke takes forward roll
18. same side arm comes up to block punc/protect face, other arm jabs ukes in front as you step in + take center, can knee kick into uke inner thigh of uke lead leg, foot sweep, roll shoulder. elizabeth says helps to step to take center as soon as you see leg coming forward
NEW --
1. round house punch - close window: lead with hip, not arms when hitch stepping in. notice that sensei maria's hands lead first w/ back of wrists and last minute catches uke's arm w/ palm-side of hands. don't why this is so, but very interesting to watch. don't rise up when stepping, stay low.
2. round house punch - catch crook of elbow, turn hip, bend knees: trying to do close window, but doesn't work, then inside forearm hooks into uke's elbow and pulls toward own body to bend striking arm, catch uke wrist w/ both arms w/ uke arm now bent, twist hips which should cause great off balance to uke, bend knees for take down.
* felt like there was no struggle to take uke off balance w/ the twisting of hip
3. round house punch - parry + step even straighter, knife edge hand to crook of hip + uke takes back fall
* notice that when stepping in, feel like taking center, especially when your knee nudges up against uke's knee.
4. round house punch - step in + parry, sweep striking arm down + catch and pull across uke center line + keep turning uke's wrist, step thru to opposite side uke toe, apply shihonage
5. round house punch - shihonage save w/ kotogaeshi: uke saves self from shihonage that you are trying apply, immediately step to side of uke, attacking arm now right next to/almost parallel to ground your hand/arm, step back + kotogaeshi
6. ippon seionage drills - really clip uke bicep w/ crook of elbow, feet together, back straight, face is straight + not looking down, don't bend at butt, twist hip and look to the side + behind you
7. round house punch - ippon seionage: 2nd time i got knocked in head because I was too slow to hitch step in. need to hitch step into + very close to uke/bodies touching - helps avoid punch
8. round house punch - elbow strike + head throw: step in + elbow strike + parry punch (u + uke in opposite stances), elbow striking arm immediately grabs opposite side ear + other arm goes for other uke ear, make sure u catch uke head in front of you + not behind you otherwise not effective, leg of elbow striking side arm kneels to ground as the twisting of hip aids in bringing uke head straight down. don't throw uke head forward but straight down. uke takes breakfall but can roll out too
9. round house punch - katanage: step in + parry, sweep uke striking arm down + across center line of uke, take off balance, stuff shoulder into uke arm pit and step thru uke - feels like your the center of your forward momentum with stepping thru crosses uke's centerline, uke is off balance + takes roll
choke/throw head: hitch step, block forearm + bicep, strike neck, outside arm crosses under arm that just struck uke, crosses ukes' center line and up around neck to other hand, clasp hands, choke uke neck by squeezing forearms together, get out of way of uke's imminent fall, pull uke straight down,
* round house - hitch step into center of uke, strike to neck, striking hand slides down outside edge of uke's attack arm and brings uke arm over to your shoulder, apply sankyu as outside leg step around and behind u, stuff uke elbow into arm pit + apply another lock with hand sneaking under uke's pinned forearm + to your own wrist, shoulders back, backstraight, create lock, inside leg then kneels as you take uke straight to ground, apply ground lock
1 - round house - ippon seionage (?) uke punches, step in, block hip with your hip, get inside the punch as a way to defend from getting hit, body close to uke chest, back straight, bend knees, heels together, grab uke gi, clip bicep, twist hip. it doesn't really work if you do technique slow. sensei c emphasized doing this fast and not slow
2 - round house - wipe uke off thigh - don't know what this is called, but ippon seionage doesn't work, change to this technique, after setting up for shoulder throw and doesn't work, step out to side, bring leg behind uke, back straight, uke off balance, leg brought behind uke should have foot right behind uke foot, sensei c showed to lead the elbow up the centerline of uke to uke face, and cut down with arm/ power with hip. alternatively, can pick uke up by behind knees/pants and throw over thigh. end by turning around and facing uke + lock
3 - round house - hitch step, block w/ 2 hands, punch into nerve between bone/bicep muscle w/ non lead hand, one forearm (nonlead) under uke elbow, lead hand aids shihonage lock while you do a taisabai around uke so that body is fully behind uke. w/ shihonage lock and trachea choke, can lead uke backwards, use uke as a shield "in a bar" (says sensei s), and if you want to bring to floor, simply bend knees/drop weight (shown by sensei s)
10 round house - hip throw: hitch step to uke lead foot, heels together, back straight, one arm grabbin pulling uke gi at their forearm, while other hand/arm is behind uke and cutting across and over uke shoulder to aid throw, uke loaded on hip, throw.
6. new! round house - parry w/ step, so uke + u are in opposite stance (i.e. both right leg fwd), arm on same side of your lead leg can strike uke in gut, then take this arm and put under uke elbow of arm that struck + other hand helps bend uke elbow, grab uke wrist w/ arm in crook of uke elbow, following leg steps laterally outside, drop weight for shihonage take down
* step in opposite of striking arm, breath out, parry with two hands, keep elbow down, keep off balance, lead leg catches ankle and pulls forward and falls on back
Or lead leg can sweep foot up, and you catch foot, tiger lock with hand over knee and the other wrapped under + holding other wrist, leg/toes on uke’s pressure point, straighten back to apply lock
5. round house punch: standing in same side hanmi (mirrored.) uke steps for round house, hitch step in with elbow strike on lead leg side. other arm blocks punch and then punch ribs. then punch arm snakes over uke's arm while other hand secures wrist. lead leg steps back into shikodachi. uke is flat on ground. sensei showed a new lock to me: you put one foot in front of uke's shoulder, and another behind, and you keep uke arm perpendicular to ground.
3. round house punch- step into uke with opposite side, block with same side arm, palm heel strike chin. I forgot the rest.