Tuesday, October 31, 2006

sensei stephen class

1. judo style grab - kouchi gari: (don't let thumb grab inside of gi), hand grabbing lapel kinda rolls shoulder back while other pulls in opposite direction, same side leg steps between uke's leg and does a small inner reap, a semi circle with foot close to floor. don't kick leg up when doing reap.

2. judo style grab - step to side ( towards arm grabbing uke's gi @ arm), create side off balance in uke (not forward or backwards, then inside leg steps deep into uke between uke's leg, following leg crosses behind inside leg. keep knees bent. then do inner reap

3. fwd punch - no entry, twist hips, gedan berai but hand is flat and touches uke's belly & arm is almost entirely across uke body, other hand protects face, bend knee for offbalance, lead leg does foot sweep on uke's front/lead leg

4. face punch - hitch step & parry punch, 2 strikes to ribs, hand pushes into low back of uke for offbalance while other arm comes up uke's center line to set up for choke, uke's neck in crook of elbow while same arm's hand catches crook of other elbow, other arm then catches back of uke head. if uke is bigger, make sure feet/legs out of way - so step back, bend knees for take down

6. round house punch - hitch step & block like close the window, inside arm wraps over uke's elbow and snakes to other wrist. inside leg steps back to put knee on floor while this lock bends uke's arm (almost 90 degrees, i think), drop weight to make uke roll forward and land on back, lean into uke w/ side of body while u pull uke arm toward u in same lock. helpful to keep uke arm bent + easier to lay on side w/ ribs up against uke shoulder

7. leg lock from behind: uke wraps legs around your hips from behind while on ground, put own ankles on top of uke's (looks like a yoga position) pressure of own ankles on uke's creates pain in ankle and loosen grip

8. uke is mounted on top grabbing tori's gi - ground defense is to grab uke's arm and send it across body and over opposite shoulder, hands clasp like makin' burgers + applies choke

Sunday, October 29, 2006

sunday, sensei coleman

*sit like a martial artist, get hit like martial artist (gotta get dixon to hit me more next time.)

1. downward knife stab - cross/deep step, body is wound up and facing uke, inside hand on uke shoulder for offbalance, step across/behind uke (can add atemi just before) hit+ other hand on other uke shoulder, hip should then take uke down as you finish w/ taisabaki. uke takes fall. stomp kick uke @ head (not snap kick), stomp again @ uke wrist. get knife, keep looking at uke, walk away.

2. downward knife stab - cross/not so deep step, thumb under uke elbow, other blocks @ forearm (sensei said the angle of this block is more vertical than some karate teaching), push uke elbow to uke ear, (similar step above), take down by ikkyu

3. judo style grab - walking. step 2 times, starting on side where elbow is grabbed by uke, then step to outside on same side of last step + elbow driving against uke @ opposite armpit, reap w/ inside leg.

4. palm strike to head, parry and punch @ ribs: wearing head gear, uke does shotei strike to forehead, but tori blocks & cross steps, block/parry action helps body spin to power punch

5. round house - driving downard punch/ stepping to center: rnd house punch by uke, immediately step to uke's center w/ downward motion driving punch, in direction of uke's off balance, always keep elbows glued next to body, don't bring elbow back behind

6. change up from osoto gari - tori goes for osoto gari but doesn't work, so tori bends uke arm @ elbow upwards, driving own elbow/forearm up against uke, this causes off balance, ( ankle block?) and then throw uke over behind u

7. we did this technique with a fwd driving (elliptical) shuto strike to uke neck, taisabaki, then cut down w/ striking hand so uke takes forward roll in same direction then came for attack. forgot the original attack.

8. cross step , same side hand parries attack like you're asking for money or holding a tea tray, step thru as you drive same hand up uke chin (alternatively, can step across/behind uke w/ lead leg so bum is against uke and throw over hip

Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 28, Sensei Maria

1. Sumi-Otoshi ( Corner Drop )
• Uke strikes with a tsuki, hitch step forward "opening the door" to bypass the fist.
• Slide hand into crook of elbow and pivot, pointing hand to the ground.
• Lock uke up!

2. Katana-Nage from tsuki
• Uke strikes with a tsuki, Tai-sabaki small to gain connection with uke's shoulder
• Katana hand turns and points down, throwing uke into the ground.

Couple of things with this technique...First is tai-sabaki small, rather than deep. Second is to keep 50/50 weight on feet and not to rise when entering with tai-sabaki, Third is to throw straight down. Watching Dixon take ukemi, he looked as if he was taking a somersault because his roll was so tight.

3. Kotegaesh from same side wrist grab
• From wrist grab, side step, and turn wrist until pinky is facing your nose.
• With opposite hand grab uke's hand where the thumb meets and apply lock part 1.
• With opposite hand fold uke's fingers into their wrist applying part 2 of the lock.
• As uke falls, step into them and lock

4. Ippon Seionage
• From roundhouse punch, clip uke's arm with your bicep.
• Pull back leg into you, pivot and drop
• Throw!

Description and photos from Kodokan.org

(1) Tori uses his right hand to hold Uke's left arm and pushes it under Uke's right armpit creating a crossed arm motion thereby controlling the opponents arms.

(2) When Tori picks up Uke in a throwing position, he shifts his right arm to twist inside and places his hand on Uke's hip--then throw.

(3) Tori takes a deep step to the outside of Uke's right leg with his right foot and while sliding Uke's right knee up, throws Uke.

(4) When Tori picks up Uke, Tori drops his body and rolls his opponent in for a throw.

Thoughts from Woody's gi...

When Sensei demonstrated Ippon she said "Woody look!" and as she clipped Dixon's arm, she was pointing up, then as she threw she pointed to the opposite knee. In my mind I put it together as "point the gun to the sky, now put it in the holster." After throwing like this I heard "Jeez" "Ugh" "Ohhh", but not "Where's the clip?" "Feet together!"

I also noticed that when I pivoted I could feel my hip against uke's body. A light bulb went off in my head and after class I set up a ton of throws on Dixon. I think I figured out .0000000000000000000000001% of jujitsu, FINALLY!

5. Sparring
Woody vs. Dixon 2!! Dio de Destrucîon
So every sunday Sensei Coleman stresses combinations, punch-punch sweep for example, and every week I forget! I look forward to the day that I can have a toolbox full of techniques and tactics to use without having to call them from memory. This week I took my own advice...

After exchanging a few punches and kicks, Dixon and I clinched and I tried to drop my hip for a throw and it didn't work...but I kept holding, which was wrong, I noticed that a lot of times when I see people get thrown it's usually because they keep going after a throw they didn't get, so I let dixon go. When I let him go, he backed up and I noticed he was set up for a osoto-gari, so I cross stepped in and swept...SWEET!

I enjoy the fact that I am finding a path to a technique rather then panicking.

Friday, October 27, 2006

October 26, Sensei Maria

1. Escape from Low pin ( Name? )
• From low pin, kick up to strike groin
• Kicking foot slides down, stomps onto foot
• Pivot drop knee onto uke's knee and strike to face.

2. Pop Over from Pull-Back Mug
• Uke pulls you back
• Step to the middle of uke's legs
• Step back to one knee, drop the other and twist

I had quite a bit of difficulty on this, I think it's mainly because of lack of coordination on my part.

3. Close the Window
• Hitch step
• Roll Shoulder
• Pivot and Drop

Deceptively simple. Personally I think this is the hardest technique I have been shown in our system.

3. Defense from Knife
• Uke places knife at your neck RAISE ARMS!
• Drop hands to trap knife hand and to move knife to your collarbone, opposite hand can be placed on crook of elbow
• Drop body to throw uke, lock up and remove the knife

4. Sankyu from Knife
• Slash from uke, trap hand, drop strike ribs and move into armpit area
• Turn and apply sankyu, remove knife
• Pivot to lock uke, drop and lock them up

Lately I have been going into class with a objective in mind. This class I didn't, and I felt like that was a mistake on my part. I felt really stiff and a bit cumbersome, but I guess that happens to everyone from time to time.

In speaking with Sensei after class, she told me not to fall so fast on Close the Window. It was interesting to hear this because I was honestly way off balance and was not exaggerating at all. I think this expresses the importance of Close the window.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 24, Sensei Steve

1. Close the Window
"Be there first" is what every one says, but I think that my hitch step is now fast enough to get there.

2. The Underhook
• Off a round house punch, step in like close the window. Roll arm around arm similar to tiger lock, point fist up, like an uppercut
• Pivot hip spinning uke, bring uke into palm heel

The most interesting thing about this technique is that when you pivot your hips there's a whirlwind effect. You can use this to drive your palm heel into uke, as opposed to reach out and strike.

Sensei Steve and Sensei Coleman were talking about this technique on sunday. Supposedly this was performed by boxers back in the day to foul opponents who were getting out of line.

3. Uke Otosi to Kesa-Gatame ( from roundhouse )
• Hitch step in, like close the window
• Strike neck and snake arm around uke's neck grabbing opposite gi lapel
• Pivot and drop to knee placing uke on floor
• Place weight on uke's sternum and shift hips into judo fall position

By placing hips in judo fall position, the choke is enabled. Be sure to keep to choke tight, especially if you have tight shoulders like me.

4. Choke from Side Position
• Roll Uke to side
• Push under arm back exposing uke's tricep, place foot in front
• Across uke grab foot and sit back, slide arm closest to uke down and around their neck, like garuma nage
• Bend elbow to apply lock

This technique gives me a lot of difficulty because I am not very flexible and in that position my sciatic nerve can be irritated. Hopefully in the future I will loosen up there.

5. Jujigatame from mount
• From mount, push off with hands keeping thighs tight against uke
• Cup ukes elbow like with Kotegaesh cross lock
• Push ukes arm over and kick leg to other side
• Lean back pulling arm as lever, raise hips slowly until lock

*Note: If lock fails pull arm in opposite way of uke's palm to lock against leg

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 22, Sensei Coleman

Sundays are very special to me. Every sunday I have to not think about what class is going to be like, because with Sensei Coleman you never know. One day you may be doing Sawari-waza, next day 50 techniques in a row, it's always an adventure.

So this class it was 2 black belts and I...no breaks!

1. Osoto-Gari
• Grab judo style, hand on sleeve pulls out, hand on lapel drops into uke ( this is tricky! )
• Connect chest to uke's shouler, brush hip against uke's hip until you wind up on other side of uke's rear
• Sweep like pendulumn, head up on same plane as foot
• Gather yourself and lock

2. Osoto-gari pulling to the side
• Grab judo style, hand on sleeve pulls out, hand on lapel drops into uke and pushes uke toward you as you move in
• Connect chest to uke's shouler, brush hip against uke's hip until you wind up on other side of uke's rear
• Sweep like pendulumn, head up on same plane as foot
• Gather yourself and lock

3. Ko Ouchi Gari
• Cross step in
• Pivot and reap with leg in the direction to take uke to direction you desire

This technique is deceptively simple, the foot work, cross step to pivot is very complicated to me.

4. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi ( Lifting Pulling Ankle Block )
• From grabbing judo style, kuzushi ( check watch + answer phone ) like ippon or uke goshi
• Step in placing obe to obe, foot blocks ankle
• Feed elbow into ukes ear as opposite arm stretches him out
• Turn and look where you want to throw

*Note : For ukemi it felt natural to just unravel, which is really bad because you can land on your knee. Breakfall!

I was having some difficulty with this throw until Sensei said "like Kaitenage" and that was it for me, well actually I heard "not half bad" which all I need to hear. The throw is like Kaitenage with the feeding of the elbow into uke's ear, with the added stretch form the other arm this throw is pretty awesome.

Also make sure you trim your toe nails. This technique likes to remove them from your body. Goodbye left big toe toenail!

5. Boom-Boom Sweep to face
• Parry Strike
• Check and roll shoulder
• Sweep

I think I actually got Sensei Stephen off balance. Don't rise when you hitch step in.

6. Iremi + Osoto Gari
• Hitch step entry with iremi
• As you brush the hip, foot should be up off the mat ready for a sweep
• Sweep and pivot


7. Boom Boom Sweep to Kotegaesh
• Parry Strike
• Check and roll shoulder - failed
• Slide hand down arm into kotegaesh
• Pivot

8. Iremi to Garuma-Nage
• Hitch step entry with iremi
• As you brush the hip, foot should be up off the mat ready for a sweep -failure
• Where sweeping foot was, place down lock arm and check head
• Step back into Shikodachi and drop
• Lock

9. Osoto-Gari to Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi
• Grab judo style, hand on sleeve pulls out, hand on lapel drops into uke and pushes uke toward you as you move in - failure
• Pivot slightly and place foot to block ankle
• Feed elbow into ukes ear as opposite arm stretches him out
• Turn and look where you want to throw

Sunday, October 22, 2006

October 21, Sensei Maria

The theme today was energy...

1. New Students
Sensei Maria spoke about teaching new students. Basically she focused on example as opposed to lecture. For example, Instead of telling them where to put their foot, show them so they may feel it. See I just did it!

2. Strike through the center
• From shoulder push, allow opposite shoulder to revolve into uke
• Strike downwards, a la Atemi Kata, into Solar Plexis, into uke's corner, which will cause them to fall off balance

When I studied art we were taught that the ribs end at 1 head height, translated into jujitsu the solar plexis will be approximately 1 head length down. I find that using this I find the solar plexis relatively easily.

As we were doing this technique Sensei corrected me by telling me instead of punching into the person to punch at angle. All of the sudden I think something clicked.
Close the window = angle.
Kotegaesh 10 = angle.
Osoto gari = angle.

Now that I am thinking of it I do not believe there is one technique that we have that does not have the use of an angle in some format. Below is a ( crude ) diagram of what I mean.

3. Osoto-Gari from Mae-Gari
• Slide back a la Tai-Sabaki Kata, parry Mae Gari, slide in
• As we slide place rear towards uke's rear.
• Sweep and rotate

I was corrected by Sensei on this technique. She showed me where I needed to be pointing when I finished my sweep ( basically you are pivoting about 45 degrees on sweep, like kotegaesh 10, but using your foot, another angle... ) when Dixon landed he went "YAHHHHHHHH" it was a really powerful throw, which shocked me because I used almost no strength.

4. Drop from Mae-Gari
• Slide back a la Tai-Sabaki Kata, parry Mae Gari, slide in
• Pivot 180 and drop

*Note : When you catch the leg uke should be off balance. With ukemi it's important to rotate so you don't and on your shoulder.

5. Escape from low pin
• From low pin, kick up to strike groin
• Kicking foot slides down, stomps onto foot
• Pivot drop knee onto uke's knee and strike to face.

I think everyone heard the "thud" sound when Sensei kicked me in the groin. Thank god for the cup.

6. Sukui-nage
• From Low pin Break hands by dropping and rotating wrists
• Strike groin, step behind uke ( place your foot on the far side of uke's far foot )
• Turn and throw

I love this throw, it's been too long Sukui-nage!

7. Osoto-gari from pull back mug
• From pull back, tuck fingers in choke, pivot POINT AT THE ANGLE
• Sweep

8. Osoto-gari from pull back and lift
• Pivot so uke can not support weight
• Point at angle and sweep

...boy we did a lot in this class...

9. Sparring with fists
I sparred with Sensei Steve, afterwards he said that my jab could be a bit busier and work for me a little more. So next time I will apply pressure with my jab more. I know I need to get off the center line more as well.

10. Sparring with kicks
I sparred with Sensei Maria. Wow! So at home I have been practicing by throwing kicks and punches at the mirror and coming back to guard, at the gym we have a punching bag and I just try to kick while moving...I think it's finally paying off! She said "What are you tae kwon do joe?"

11. Sparring with throws
I am so happy to now spar with throws. I remember when I wrote about just being allowed to spar with fists and how happy I was then. It's difficult not to want a throw, sitting on the sidelines I noticed that the uke's who were "caught" we usually caught trying to get the throw, as opposed to setting up the throw...but who knows? In sparring with Dixon, we clinched and grabbed gi's and i moved off line to throw, like we've been doing on tuesdays, it worked very well. Dixon caught me around the back of my knees with a morote-gari, which was a super sweet move.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

sensei stephen class

1. mae geri - hitch step, lead arm parries leg by pointing arm down, rotating arm in, then bend elbow, hand now points up, elbow at 90 degrees and in front of uke center line, drop weight down + uke takes back fall

2. same entry as above, but then back leg cross steps behind lead leg (like u do in taisabaki kata), pivot hips around so u twist and back leg is already set up to do a leg sweep. leg sweep as same side hand/arm roll uke shoulder

3. fwd straight punch - hitch step + parry so uke is pitched forward, shuto strike back of neck, step behind as arm then wraps in front of neck + other arm bends uke at small of back for more off balance, then apply choke with hand in elbow crook of other arm + hand on back of uke head

4. fwd straight punch - parry and catch at wrist, bring head down + off ctr closer to u, knee kick, pivot, make uke arm vertical + throw at angle

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 7, Sensei Maria

Today I had a special treat because Sensei Ivan came to class. Sensei Steven was always telling me to pay attention to Sensei Ivan because of the way he moves and his power. Before class I saw him and Sempai Zhenya in randori "judo style" then they moved to jujitsu and aikido. It's interesting to watch them move through various techniques that are the same ( judo ippon, aikido ippon ) yet so different in excecution.

1. Roll out and Defend
Ok, so I just try to get out of the way, that's all I try to do. So I hitch step entry for Sensei Coleman, and as I see him rotate to punch me, I kick him in the stomach. When I come up I have his hand positioned for Kotegaesh, and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Everyone is yelling "finish it" and I have no odea what to do, it was embarrassing. So after class I asked Sensei Coleman What to do he said :

• Keep moving first and foremost!
• If you are good on your rolls you can look behind you
• Tai-sabaki in and out
• Punching and kicking is acceptable until you get something

2. Warm up "Hitch Step to knee"
From a straight punch,. hitch step entry to knee. Sensei Ivan kept punching me because I wasn't moving fast enough. It didn't hurt, but he said I was stopping on impact and to keep moving. After hitch step use uke for support and throw your knee into thier solar plexis.

3. Hitch to Knee to Kaitenage
• Hitch step entry
• Knee into solar plexis
• As foot comes down, deliver blow to the back of the neck
• Lift uke's arm and point to opposite shoulder

I really like Kaitenage. It always feels like terrible things can happen to you in the position you are put in. Working with Sempai Zhenya became a real challenge because she takes you so low, it's almost easier to do a face fall, you also get a sense at what would happen if you didn't know how to roll.

4. Strike to Solar plexis + Ouchi-gari from round house
• 1/2 Tai-sabaki and check knee
• Short downward punch, like atemi kata, to the solar plexis
• Sweep inside foot

In my head I kept reiterating "Be there first" something I heard the Sensei's say countless times. The first time I worked with Dixon I wasn't prepared and took a really hard shot to the gut, which was good because once again you see what would happen if you are not trained to prepare for that.

5. Close the Window(failure) to Sweep(failure) to Ippon
Failing techniques is easy, it's what I do best ;) but when you get it right and the person wasn't expecting it, wow! Not only do you feel cool, you really respect ukemi.

Working with Sensei Ivan he showed me something about ippon that I found really helpful
• On the clip you should see Uke
• You should feel pressure on the shoulder not pulling the shoulder
• Stay connected to uke
• By turning your body you are throwing them

After doing it like that ippon really felt different.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sensei Maria, October 6, 2006

Sensei Maria, October 6, 2006

I'm back. Just taking 2 days off feels like too much. However I was suprised at how much my body is remembering movements and stretching easier. I used to workout before class mainly because I would be warmed up and my muscles wouldn't feel as tight, now I'm starting to feel like a rubber band. A really big heavy rubber band.

Keeping with the theme of previous classes I'm trying not to use any power, and I have noticed that there is a time and place for "muscle" but it's more subtle, for example, the twisting when throwing in ippon is a muscle contraction, the stronger the oblique, the quicker the twist, which will create a more powerful throw. Along with not using power, I added good posture per Sensei Coleman's suggestion.

With Posture Sensei Coleman showed me that if I imagine my shoulder blades trying to touch it will cause your body to be straight. I noticed a side effect of this is that everything tends to fall in you center, it just does, by leaning over things tend to get away from you...or at least they get away from me.

1. Notes on Atemi Kata
• First 5 punches are close punches with knuckles pointing down.
• Slide foot out and pivot for blocks
• Blocks are like "Close the Window"

2. Sidekick (shoba geri?) to Ikkyu from Straight Jab
• Side step to avoid knife, check knife hand with your hand
• Kick into knee to disable uke
• After rechambering kick slide into uke placing one hand on elbow the other on knife hand
• Straighten arms which will apply pressure to the elbow preventing uke to rise, or if they do they break their own arm, hooray!
• Drop to Lock uke

*Note : When I studied Aikido, my Sensei would tell us to imagine a rowing motion to bring uke into our center, though the motion is not of rowing. I think it has more to do with the rotating motion of the wrist, the same rotation that is made when rowing.

3. Kotegaesh 10, from knife
• Tai-Sabaki entry, place arm on uke's arm, control arm without grabbing
• Step back from tai-sabaki and pivot hips, keep uke's hand in center.
• As soon as uke hits ground, cup arm and hyperextend elbow turning uke over
• Lock, remove knife and step back

Sensei maria said that you have to do this technique as if "you didn't care if it worked or not," to me you just have to feel it. It is definitly a difficult technique.

4. Tai-Otoshi
• Tai Sabaki entry, take uke's arm and pivot
• When Pivoting place ankle above ukes foot, bend knee to protect leg
• Uke will come off balance and fall

Dixon is really really good at this technique, I suggest everyone grab him for uke. He has the movement down which seems to be a "whipping" motion. It's almost the pivot is like the crack of a whip. I have been scolded by both Sensei Coleman and Steven for trying to push uke over my foot with the arm, so if you find yourself grabbig the arm a lot that may not be a good thing.