October 28, Sensei Maria
1. Sumi-Otoshi ( Corner Drop )
• Uke strikes with a tsuki, hitch step forward "opening the door" to bypass the fist.
• Slide hand into crook of elbow and pivot, pointing hand to the ground.
• Lock uke up!
2. Katana-Nage from tsuki
• Uke strikes with a tsuki, Tai-sabaki small to gain connection with uke's shoulder
• Katana hand turns and points down, throwing uke into the ground.
Couple of things with this technique...First is tai-sabaki small, rather than deep. Second is to keep 50/50 weight on feet and not to rise when entering with tai-sabaki, Third is to throw straight down. Watching Dixon take ukemi, he looked as if he was taking a somersault because his roll was so tight.
3. Kotegaesh from same side wrist grab
• From wrist grab, side step, and turn wrist until pinky is facing your nose.
• With opposite hand grab uke's hand where the thumb meets and apply lock part 1.
• With opposite hand fold uke's fingers into their wrist applying part 2 of the lock.
• As uke falls, step into them and lock
4. Ippon Seionage
• From roundhouse punch, clip uke's arm with your bicep.
• Pull back leg into you, pivot and drop
• Throw!
Description and photos from Kodokan.org
(1) Tori uses his right hand to hold Uke's left arm and pushes it under Uke's right armpit creating a crossed arm motion thereby controlling the opponents arms.

(2) When Tori picks up Uke in a throwing position, he shifts his right arm to twist inside and places his hand on Uke's hip--then throw.

(3) Tori takes a deep step to the outside of Uke's right leg with his right foot and while sliding Uke's right knee up, throws Uke.

(4) When Tori picks up Uke, Tori drops his body and rolls his opponent in for a throw.

Thoughts from Woody's gi...
When Sensei demonstrated Ippon she said "Woody look!" and as she clipped Dixon's arm, she was pointing up, then as she threw she pointed to the opposite knee. In my mind I put it together as "point the gun to the sky, now put it in the holster." After throwing like this I heard "Jeez" "Ugh" "Ohhh", but not "Where's the clip?" "Feet together!"
I also noticed that when I pivoted I could feel my hip against uke's body. A light bulb went off in my head and after class I set up a ton of throws on Dixon. I think I figured out .0000000000000000000000001% of jujitsu, FINALLY!
5. Sparring
Woody vs. Dixon 2!! Dio de Destrucîon
So every sunday Sensei Coleman stresses combinations, punch-punch sweep for example, and every week I forget! I look forward to the day that I can have a toolbox full of techniques and tactics to use without having to call them from memory. This week I took my own advice...
After exchanging a few punches and kicks, Dixon and I clinched and I tried to drop my hip for a throw and it didn't work...but I kept holding, which was wrong, I noticed that a lot of times when I see people get thrown it's usually because they keep going after a throw they didn't get, so I let dixon go. When I let him go, he backed up and I noticed he was set up for a osoto-gari, so I cross stepped in and swept...SWEET!
I enjoy the fact that I am finding a path to a technique rather then panicking.
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