October 21, Sensei Maria
The theme today was energy...
1. New Students
Sensei Maria spoke about teaching new students. Basically she focused on example as opposed to lecture. For example, Instead of telling them where to put their foot, show them so they may feel it. See I just did it!
2. Strike through the center
• From shoulder push, allow opposite shoulder to revolve into uke
• Strike downwards, a la Atemi Kata, into Solar Plexis, into uke's corner, which will cause them to fall off balance
When I studied art we were taught that the ribs end at 1 head height, translated into jujitsu the solar plexis will be approximately 1 head length down. I find that using this I find the solar plexis relatively easily.
As we were doing this technique Sensei corrected me by telling me instead of punching into the person to punch at angle. All of the sudden I think something clicked.
Close the window = angle.
Kotegaesh 10 = angle.
Osoto gari = angle.
Now that I am thinking of it I do not believe there is one technique that we have that does not have the use of an angle in some format. Below is a ( crude ) diagram of what I mean.

3. Osoto-Gari from Mae-Gari
• Slide back a la Tai-Sabaki Kata, parry Mae Gari, slide in
• As we slide place rear towards uke's rear.
• Sweep and rotate
I was corrected by Sensei on this technique. She showed me where I needed to be pointing when I finished my sweep ( basically you are pivoting about 45 degrees on sweep, like kotegaesh 10, but using your foot, another angle... ) when Dixon landed he went "YAHHHHHHHH" it was a really powerful throw, which shocked me because I used almost no strength.
4. Drop from Mae-Gari
• Slide back a la Tai-Sabaki Kata, parry Mae Gari, slide in
• Pivot 180 and drop
*Note : When you catch the leg uke should be off balance. With ukemi it's important to rotate so you don't and on your shoulder.
5. Escape from low pin
• From low pin, kick up to strike groin
• Kicking foot slides down, stomps onto foot
• Pivot drop knee onto uke's knee and strike to face.
I think everyone heard the "thud" sound when Sensei kicked me in the groin. Thank god for the cup.
6. Sukui-nage
• From Low pin Break hands by dropping and rotating wrists
• Strike groin, step behind uke ( place your foot on the far side of uke's far foot )
• Turn and throw
I love this throw, it's been too long Sukui-nage!
7. Osoto-gari from pull back mug
• From pull back, tuck fingers in choke, pivot POINT AT THE ANGLE
• Sweep
8. Osoto-gari from pull back and lift
• Pivot so uke can not support weight
• Point at angle and sweep
...boy we did a lot in this class...
9. Sparring with fists
I sparred with Sensei Steve, afterwards he said that my jab could be a bit busier and work for me a little more. So next time I will apply pressure with my jab more. I know I need to get off the center line more as well.
10. Sparring with kicks
I sparred with Sensei Maria. Wow! So at home I have been practicing by throwing kicks and punches at the mirror and coming back to guard, at the gym we have a punching bag and I just try to kick while moving...I think it's finally paying off! She said "What are you tae kwon do joe?"
11. Sparring with throws
I am so happy to now spar with throws. I remember when I wrote about just being allowed to spar with fists and how happy I was then. It's difficult not to want a throw, sitting on the sidelines I noticed that the uke's who were "caught" we usually caught trying to get the throw, as opposed to setting up the throw...but who knows? In sparring with Dixon, we clinched and grabbed gi's and i moved off line to throw, like we've been doing on tuesdays, it worked very well. Dixon caught me around the back of my knees with a morote-gari, which was a super sweet move.
Thanks Sensei!
I remember your caution about resisting throws, I'm sure it will serve me well.
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