Thursday, September 21, 2006

September 19, Sensei Steve

Welcome Tennesee and Vivian
1. Kokyu-Nage from Cross hand wrist grab

•Hitch step entry
•Point uke to ground to project

This was a pretty simple looking technique with a very complicated action. In order to take uke off balance it seemes that you needed to really focus on your center and keep your hand there, to project dropping your hips seemed crucial as well.

2. Te-Garuma ( Hand Wheel ) from holding "judo style"

•Create Kozushi with classic "Check your watch answer the phone" movement
•With balance broken lead hand reacheds down uke's back "hugging them"
•Opposite hand reaches to hook leg
•As leg rises opposite hand drops , do not let go of uke
•Keep your posture, by bending over you can strain your lower back or fall onto uke
•Lock them up

*Notes on Ukemi

•The side that the leg is hooked is the side that slaps
•Rotate to land on your side
•Keep your body in as straight of a line as possible
•If you have large shoulders, reach out to slap, this will prevent falling on your shoulder

This technique had a few magic moments for me. The biggest thing I learned is that this is not a pick up and drop technique, it's a wheel. So as the leg comes up the body goes down. Working with Youval it felt like air had betrayed me and was pushing me into the ground. I didn't feel his arms or his legs. This was magic moment number 1.

3. Te-Garuma ( Hand Wheel ) from headlock

•Stike the groin or pinch inside of leg ( unbelievably painful )
•Rise up to grab uke from back
•Grab closet leg
•Lock them up

4. Shihonage from rear knife attack

•Turn around
•Go under uke's arm with your arm to trap
•Lock with other hand to place arm into crook of elbow ( like you were setting up shihonage for uke to breakfall )
•Pivot hips and drop
•Lock and remove knife

This is a bit difficult to describe but it did give me magic moment number 2. Working with Zhenya it never felt like she put the lock on, it was just "there." Since working with Sensei Coleman I have been trying very hard to stay connected with tori, and I am now developing an understanding of where I am going, what direction I am moving in etc. But working with Zhenya all the sudden "Pow! it was on!"

5. Reversal from Half Gaurd

•With Uke on top, create arm bar by snaking around arm and grabbing opposite lapel of gi.
•Shoot opposing hand to uke's opposite shoulder while posting with corresponding foot
•Flip uke and smother them by keeping your weight on top
•Use your legs to wrap around and lock
Working with Tennesee on this was amazing because it was interesting to see how fast he could manuever me. It makes sense now that Brazilian Jujitsukas are normally very lithe as opposed to big lumbering guys.


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