Saturday, September 16, 2006

September 14, Sensei Maria

1. Nikkyu from Same Side Wrist Grab
a. as Uke connects with wrist, revolve grabbed wrist to grab uke's hand
b. Slide slightly in the direction of your center pulling uke off balance
c. Adjust center and step in ( this creates a zig zag )
d. pin

Note* Keep your hand in center, when the hand comes out of the center, it can become my hand.

2. Little more Ikkyu - Seniors did Ikkyu to throw, sans pin

3. Tiger-Lock ( juji-gatame ) from cross hand wrist grab
a. Turn wrist and pivot similar to shihonage
b. Strike through the face
c. Slide down the body, preventing uke to rise, slide arm under elbow grabbing corresponding forearm.
d. Lock
e. Drop to Shichodachi and pin

Note* The strike to the face seemes imperative, working out with Sempai Adi he slightly struck my face, but kept his arm near my throat which was most umpleasant but not completely painful for ukemi.

Note** When pinning placing the knee on the head is part of the pin. ( I guess when sensei walked by I wasn't in enough pain, when Adi put his knee on my head I was! )

4. Uda-Nage
a. As uke grabs hand, hitch step keep hand in your center
b. Draw opposite hand up elbow locking as you pull the active hand into your center ( this should create a lock and uke should move onto tippy toes.
c. Cut as if you have a sword, allow uke to roll

As I was doing this technique I kept telling myself "Don't think, just move" and each time I moved Sempai Elizabeth went "AYEEEEEEEEEE!" and Sempai Adi went "Good, owwwwwwww!" so I think I was getting "it"....maybe.....hopefully

However when I did think about all I got was a brown belt standing up.

5. Armlock throw ( juji-nage?)
Worked out with Sensei Steve on this. This was my second time doing this, and I was very timid throwing. The first time I did this was with Sensei Klopp and he showed me how to fall properly so please induldge me for a moment as a write on how to take ukemi as opposed to the technique.
a. Grab Crosshand
b. *As Tori places your arm over his shoulder reach down and grab his belt ( or gi , but belt is better )
c. As Tori pivots allow yourself to roll, this will allow your arm to roll from the hyperextended position
d. As you fall, try to keep your body straight and slap when you **"feel" it

Note* By grabbing tori's belt early it prevents your arm form being hyperextended while tori is figuring out the move, hooray!
Note** I do not know how to define "feel" different body types, different speeds, and the height of tori etc all play a part in ukemi.( right? )

6. Hand through the face
a. Hitch step entry
b. parry hand, draw it away
c. slide in and strike the face ( heel palm )

Last night was really great because we had so many people who have been there for awhile.
We were also graced with Itai's prescence which was really great because I haven't seen him since his Ikkyu test.

Quod fuimus, estis; quod sumus, vos eritis (You are, what we were; you’ll be, what we are)
Later on Dixon and I talked to Adi, Itai and Zhenya about what we eventually want to achieve with jujitsu. It was interesting to think that once upon a time it was Maria, Coleman and Steven hanging around taking about wrist locks and who had a better punch. I learned this latin phrase above on thursday. I think it has a lot of relevance to the Sensei-Sempai-Kohai relationship.


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