Monday, September 24, 2007

Miss class and miss the glory

Such small classes but mucho fun / challenge in class this weekend.

Stick kata
Working defense with stick is pretty cool. I like the armbar and takedown with a stick...kinda works like a lever from the hip. Long umbrellas are looking awfully attractive to carry these days.

Noting that footwork is like taisabaki kata.

General notes

When doing techniques, don't rise up on tippy toes. Or enter with body rising. So far this has been consistent.

1. attack: forward straight punch
defend: kotogaeshi = > (switch to) shihonage

Say you try to put kotogaeshi lock but you lose control. Then attack uke df elbow with inside arm. creates off bl. switch hand grip w/ outside hand. pivot hips + duck head. elbows tucked in chest + head looking straight ahead. bend knees and position body to uke's rear corner crossing his ctr line. better to take down to that angle to uke's off bl than straight back to uke rear.

OK. I don't have time to write all the switch ups:
I believe we covered:
shihonage to kotogaeshi 10
sankyu to kotogaeshi
sankyu to ikkyu
shihonage w/ osotogari

Throws, throws, throws
1. harai goshi
important to block + sweep below knee. otherwise if you block + sweep above knee i think (not sure) sensei said it was ashi guruma?

* did this throw on round house attack

2. uchi mata
* throw has 3 variations apparently. can sweep either leg from the inner thigh. or try right up the center @ groin.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Body throws

I have a lot to learn about body throws both as an Uke an a Tore.

As an Uke, I've finally become comfortable enough to take repeated throws without making that day the most painful day of the week. For some reason it still hurts a great deal more from one Jujitsuka to another, but all pains are manageable & I am contributing less to the problem.

As a Tore, my progress in body throws is slower than in any other aspect of Jujitsu. I believe that it is because body throws amplify the flaws I have throughout Jujitsu. That is to say that I might not get low enough for a roll out or I may arch my back forward as I throw a punch. However, I can still throw a half-way decent punch and roll out without breaking my neck.

Body throws are different. If I don't get low enough or if I arch my back, it makes the move impossible. On the one hand it is infinitely frustrating to be completely unable to do a body throw properly. On the other hand I can imagine immediate gains in all other aspects of Jujitsu, if I could only wrap my mind around body throws. The irony here is that the things that hurt the most and are hardest to learn usually teach the most valuable lessons.

"I haven't failed. I've just found 1,000 ways that don't work." - Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Day after test: going to class

Trying to rest & recupe and will write about today's class:

Yay for new yellow and brown belt. we showed up for class day after promotion.

Today's class notes:

1. a new entry: cross step

- standing normal stance, feet shoulder width apart
- lead leg step in, cross ctr line to uke's opposite foot.
- following leg cross steps behind lead leg. knee of following leg touches behind lead leg's knee. shoulder facing to side.
- lead leg sweeps toward tori's front and shoulders turn & dip toward tori's rear
- can have hands touch matt for balance but try not to do so

2. using new entry for harai goshi
- for harai goshi, it is important for following leg to follow right behind lead leg so it is also next to uke's foot which will be swept.
- no need to be grabby grab on uke's gi for this, can cup elbow
- block hip and let uke be wrapped / close to u
- shoot arm up and behind and try to point fingers back to tori rear when throwing
- alternative is to use arm over uke's shoulders and around head, rather than under armpit + across back

2. using new entry for uchi matta in future
- a hard throw to be taught later
- seems to sweep on inside of uke leg, not outside like harai goshi

3. ippon seionage
- when entering, commit to blocking hip and loading uke

4. round house punch - wrap punch around body
- step in toward uke opposite lead leg, think putting own shoulder to uke's opp shoulder
- for short people grab under attack arm and keep attacking arm to body.
- after entry, bring heels together to finish

5. similar to above but using hands
- think opp lead hand on uke's attacking arm side shoulder
- similar entry but better to keep weight forward, like a small hamni
- use a sudden body drop

6. punch on ground
- scooch, keep feet on floor
- catch uke arm, drive elbow to floor as you turn to side. use power of hip /feet not arms to drive uke elbow into ground
- pin elbow on ground as if you're curled into ball on arms and knees, as you get up for lock
- lock, stay upright

7. fwd punch- ikkyu to uke front
-close hitch step to outside of attack
- parry attacking arm
- attach uke wrist to hip (or wherever it is)
- use hip turn and hand above elbow (NOT on elbow - too dangerous)
- drop and lock. alternative is to have inside leg step thru uke, and other leg step again to draw uke out & then lock w/ uke on belly

entry foot work
- can enter inside on fwd punch. step in at angle, same side hand kote uke / gedan barai block from inside. and knee into inside of uke's opposite knee. think being super close, elbows tucked in

-similar to round house. be sure elbow get tucked close to body into uke's arm pit

- when enter inside, don't push uke away. use body for technique.

- drills for ippon are helpful. step in, crossing ctr line, heels together and weight on balls of foot. get lower by bending knees. no bending forward to get lower.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Good Luck All

Good luck on your tests!

Wish I was there to punch, kick and stab you. XOXO


P.S. Write a blog about it, I miss you all so much!