1. arm lock on grown/belly to belly/perpendicular - laying on top of uke, across belly, perpendicular to uke. arm closest to uke legs sneaks under uke elbow and grabs wrist of other arm. other arm pins uke wrist flat on ground. then pull - where uke elbow is slightly higher and wrist is on ground. pull elbow to ribs to create pain.
2. then we grabbed from the side. knee under uke shoulder, pin arm closest to you under knee and wrap ankles with leg closest to ground having its ankle behind other leg. then squeeze by having arm behind uke's head and grabbing crook of elbow (furthest from uke body) and the other arm grabs top of head and pulls back.
3. choking defense for sun bathers. uke comes between your legs and tries to choke you. a. cari showed that one could grab both elbows and bring them together, when locked. it takes the choke off a bit. but sensei showed that you want to put your whole body into taking one arm across centerline, up over and across your shoulder, from there you apply a choke into pressure point under jaw line.
4. say you're being squeezed between two legs. one knee to the side + one knee with live toe. arm crosses uke centerline to catch crook of uke knee while other arm sneaks under uke ankle. then switch knees and flip uke over. then bend the uke knee and put it into crook of straight uke leg closest to you. then with straight uke leg, bend, put against chest, and lean forward, grab collar, apply lock.
5. a hell choke demo from sensei stephen: you're over uke, straddling as they are on all hours. uke has one arm wrapped around your leg, on same side, your arm is choking uke, uke makes you roll over and you fall on your back with uke on top. you immediately take leg whose side you fell on and put leg over uke arm and snake catch it at wrist w/ ankle, other leg swings over uke head and chokes uke, your arms pin closest uke arm to your chest - stretching out your body creates lock.
6. you're hunched over, uke grabs around your neck from the side. outside hand does inner thigh pinch (a very tiny pinch) which causes uke to loosen up. inside arm reaches over uke's shoulder closest to you. outside edge of hand of this arm presses pressure point under nose and continue off balance. sensei s showed a hammer strike to the ribs and take down uke with a side or back fall, i think
7. another variation was to pinch, but then inside arm reaches to crook of same side knee, and other arm grabs the other knee, and you pick up uke and make them fall on side. splat.
8. full nelson - finger pain + ikkyu: as soon as you feel uke going for full nelson, catch uke arms by squeezing arms to side - preventing uke to finish lock, grab a pinky and bend (be very very careful! it's easy to hurt uke this way), step around w/ leg not on same side as finger bend + do ikkyu - catch uke elbow crook with other arm as finger bending arm continues downward motion, stretching uke out + off balance, take down, lock