Sunday, July 29, 2007

Setting up for success

I have learned pretty early on that my chance of success increases exponentially if I set an aim before I begin a task. Conveniently enough, having learned it in one facet of life; I am able to apply it across the board and it has helped me tremendously in Ju Jitsu.

During the first few moments of every class, as we're sitting in Sezan; I set my aim for the day. As I first joined this Dojo, my only aim was to face each class with enthusiasm and to open my mind to learn. I knew that I needed to learn an endless amount of new norms/customs (not to mention actual martial arts) from very different people who express themselves in equally different ways.

Nowadays, I still use those moments very carefully. While my aim is always to be enthusiastic and to keep an open mind, I am also able to focus on areas that require more attention. Undoubtedly as a white belt there are many of these areas that need more than a few corrections. But one at a time, I tackle my sloppy breakfall, fear of hip throws, less than perfect Tai Sabaki, etc. and surely enough I am gradually able to reduce the amount of mistakes.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

using the body to control uke

OK, after grilling through notes I am starting to see some sort of trends in the ways tori controls uke.

1. using tori's body to directly control uke
In some group of techniques I see it's integral for tori's body to control uke (i.e. hip, hand, arm, etc)by being properly positioned/directly attached.(Like nikkyu, sankyu, hip throws)

But there are other groups of techniques where you can't control uke well with your own body directly by pinning uke's attack against you (like kotogaeshi on a knife attack or katana nage on fwd punch)

2. using tori's center space in front of body to control uke
Then in some techniques we focus on keeping the work not directly attached to tori's body but in a space centered and in front of tori's body. (like kotogaeshi, ikkyu, etc)

And in fact by putting uke directly against tori's body it actually lowers quality of technique. (like if you try kotogaeshi on a fwd knife strike with attack pinned to body tori cuts self.)

And if you work too far away from this area you lose control on the attack.
3. getting out of way
And then all the basic footwork puts tori's body in a position where any number of techniques can come into play to control or act on uke. I am wondering if techniques will come out more easily once i get used to getting out of the way (with multiples and freestyle and such)

Little lady Jujitsu Demo on youtube

I always thought it'd be fun to make a mini self defense demo video sharing the benefits of knowing a thing or two. This video takes the cake!

Monday, July 16, 2007

yo white belt, where ya?

I suspect there's a white belt out thar who's reading these blogs and wants to write. c'mon serg-man feel free to write 'bout anything anytime. if you're havin' tech probs i'm sure we can help.

if you've got a jujitsu thought, note, or whatever please jump in! humor helps too.

here's a joke:
question: why can't a stuffed bird do a breakfall?
answer: cuz it doesn't have any guts!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

some recent quotes...

Congrats to Barbara & Jonathan! =)
Wonderful wedding, plus how cool to have Shihan Berrios teach!

Just jotting down a few memorable words, so I don't forget.

1. throw it away...
Practice to master technique. After mastering technique then you can "throw it away" because it becomes a part of you....

2. as quick as thought...
you might be carrying groceries or have your hands full, so when attack comes the thought of uke going down is immediate. don't have time to talk it through,etc. don't even need hands

3. do less...
i am learning that techniques can improve and be so much better by doing less. seems like i will have to take a look at techniques and clean/polish them up by doing less

learning that koshi and entry is crucial. arms and hands are like little hooks on body, let body do the work...

4. come to many classes
because sankyu test is around the corner, and sensei maria says its better to keep coming to class for prep

5. sankyu pushes limits
so i learned that sankyu is supposed to push you to your physical limits, when you think you can't go on but you still can execute technique and make "jujitsu" sense.

6. work like an upbeat dog that always want to play
not the exact words of sensei c, but i think the point is something along the lines of keeping up the spirit throughout practice and "deception." don't look tired even if you feel like you're going to melt into a puddle of exhaustion on the floor. keep up the spirit/energy even if you feel otherwise. gotta work on this.