nikyu, kotogaeshi, osotogari...
1. Same side wrist grab -Nikyu. Step to the side and bring hand with you. Grabbed hand snakes under and catches uke arm with L of hand, keeping close to body. Other hand does 3 finger catch on uke hand to twist. grabbed hand moves to uke elbow to bend elbow. Apply corkscrew twist and hitch stepping a bit forward and bending knee to drop weight
2. same side wrist grab -kotogaeshi. Step to side away from center line like above. turn wrist into centerline, other hand grabs underneath for 3 finger catch on thumb side of uke hand, keep twisting wrist with this catch. grabbed hand is released and applies pressure to back of uke hand. Apply lock by dropping weight so pain is caused by weight of body twisting the little bones in the wrist. End with your body close to uke, like your going to fall on top of him or her. It will be one sad day when I encounter a woody-
3. Osotogari from lapel grab. Stay lower and hitchstepping in deeply. Turn body away from uke to create more off balance. Have bum next to uke more, and straight leg throughout sweep. Keep toes pointed in the sweep because if feet are flat, back of foot may catch on the ground and interrupt sweep or you may accidentally kick uke.
4. Uke steps for lapel grab. Block on same side, step in straight with back leg, other leg follows behind, make hammer fist and keep elbow close to body, and punch solar plexus with WHOLE BODY turning.
Knee should ben into uke knee.
You could do this with elbow strike, heel palm strike to chin, punch to face.
5. lock on ground. sempai barbara showed how knee underneath uke shoulder is helpful.
note: I have to say what a great deal of happiness I derive from jujitsu. I often hear myself repeating what the senseis say in my head -over and over again. I don't always understand what I'm repeating but it helps to digest everything.