Monday, February 27, 2006

nikyu, kotogaeshi, osotogari...

1. Same side wrist grab -Nikyu. Step to the side and bring hand with you. Grabbed hand snakes under and catches uke arm with L of hand, keeping close to body. Other hand does 3 finger catch on uke hand to twist. grabbed hand moves to uke elbow to bend elbow. Apply corkscrew twist and hitch stepping a bit forward and bending knee to drop weight

2. same side wrist grab -kotogaeshi. Step to side away from center line like above. turn wrist into centerline, other hand grabs underneath for 3 finger catch on thumb side of uke hand, keep twisting wrist with this catch. grabbed hand is released and applies pressure to back of uke hand. Apply lock by dropping weight so pain is caused by weight of body twisting the little bones in the wrist. End with your body close to uke, like your going to fall on top of him or her. It will be one sad day when I encounter a woody-

3. Osotogari from lapel grab. Stay lower and hitchstepping in deeply. Turn body away from uke to create more off balance. Have bum next to uke more, and straight leg throughout sweep. Keep toes pointed in the sweep because if feet are flat, back of foot may catch on the ground and interrupt sweep or you may accidentally kick uke.

4. Uke steps for lapel grab. Block on same side, step in straight with back leg, other leg follows behind, make hammer fist and keep elbow close to body, and punch solar plexus with WHOLE BODY turning.
Knee should ben into uke knee.
You could do this with elbow strike, heel palm strike to chin, punch to face.

5. lock on ground. sempai barbara showed how knee underneath uke shoulder is helpful.

note: I have to say what a great deal of happiness I derive from jujitsu. I often hear myself repeating what the senseis say in my head -over and over again. I don't always understand what I'm repeating but it helps to digest everything.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

taisabaki kata details

1. pivot hip with punches, solar plexus height
2. rechamber after kick on 3 and 4
3. on 5,6 make sure weight is center and not shifted on one leg
4. 7,8 make sure you bring leg back and WIDE enough
5. 9,10 make big steps as if to get away from uke
6. keep back straight.

extension roll

to get height, push off from the legs and not arms. and tuck chin.

Sparring Drills...

Today we did a bunch of kicking and punching-

1. First drill was to kick with shin onto inside of uke leg. There was cross step with back leg, and twisting hip and kicking inside with front leg. Uke lets leg rise to lessen impact. This was followed by foot sweep. Important to keep leg straight and pull sweep forward and not lift uke leg up. Another was to face punch with opposite side to make uke stare at punch so that he can not see that you will do round house kick.

2. another was to round house kick to front leg of uke. Making sure leg rise as your body stays low and bring weight of leg down and kick with shin.

3. defense was to step front leg back and avoid kick, and hitch step close to uke with hand on shoulder for shoulder roll and leg behind uke's leg and take down with o sotogari. sensei pointed that elbow on uke should be across body (horizontal than vertical) and you twist around and down

then we did cross hand wrist grabs...updated in cross hand wrist entry...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kotegaeshi and forward punch, knee kick drills

Sensei coleman noted a point to pull downward a bit after you grab uke hand and then keep the hand with that downward force (but not necessarily pulling down) and don't bring it up when you pivot your hip and bend uke elbow. Also sensei noted that when you catch the uke hand, your thumb should lie across the back of the uke hand, with thumb placed between bones leading to pinky and ring finger. hand should be flat against back of hand.

In one, we step through with back leg as we apply lock, bringing weight down.

In three we step back to shiko dachi, and apply lock with back straight and bending knees while applying lock down our centerline.

Forward punch drill: one arm out in front, the other chambered with palm up, natural fist. step forward on chambered side. punch begins with wrist staying palm-side up, elbow snug against body and pulling in a bit slightly toward centerline as arm straightens, and is powered by turning of hip and other arm retracts. just before punching bag, palm rotates down and contact on pad (not on knuckles) but flat side of first 2 fingers ( i think)

Forward knee kick. be shaking distance apart. can grab pad/uke for balance. lift knee up and push with belly/hip for kick. think kicking/driving knee through uke, not just hitting. I was amazed at the difference when i imagined that my knee was aiming like it throw it(and all body weight) through a center hole (center of uke).

Monday, February 06, 2006

Striking pads. Elbow and knee kick

1. For the Elbow strike, sensei wanted us to start and end in hamni. I watch zhenya and she (after knocking the wind outta of me) powers strike with hip, elbow is about shoulder height and whole forearm makes contact and attempts to strike through the uke to put them down on to the ground. It's not merely a hit, but strike through to put uke down. Forearm should be parallel to ground and infront of body. Don't hitch step too deeply so uke is behind you.

2. for the knee kick, sensei says knee should be high, leg kinda parallel to floor. Hitch step, pivot to power knee to uke. I don't hear many people kiaiing, but I think you do, exhale.

Saturday Class w/ Video

MOre detail and Video clips to come after compressing...
1. Hitch step, Strike (with pinky edge of hand) to centerline for an offbalance, make it shoulder height (don't rise hand up with strike). Sensei showed a step in, open shoulders/hip and then turning hips for take down
See video

2. The same above, but tiger lock. Sensei said to brown belts to focus on facing uke and turning hips while bring hand down chest/centerline and not turning hips too soon to apply lock. For white belt, just go down centerline, close to uke's body and grabbing wrist immediately otherwise you will go below elbow joint.

3. Kotogaeshi with a taisabaki entry, with 45 degree toward uke centerline (recalling daniel's tip) and step out to shigadachi and turn hips as you apply kotogaeshi lock. Is this kotogaeshi 10?
See Video

4. cross hand wrist grab. taisabaki. Defense-catch elbow and raise up and lead into roll w/ hitch step
see video

5. do same above, but step in front, put shoulder into uke's arm pit and follow through with throw
see video
see video
6. Knife forward thrust- entry, grabbing wrist and bending knife downward, taking lead hand to crook of inside uke elbow to bend it and then taking lead to apply lock on uke wrist
7. Attack, straight punch. Block, hitch step, grab crook of elbow, pivot hip and drive down for take down.
see video

8. then there were variations on ukemi. side fall with heel strike, face fall with heel strike while supporting yourself with one knee on ground, back fall with heel strike and supporting body with elbows behind you.

Friday, February 03, 2006

ATTACK: Overhead club slash

1. Taisabaki entry. Lead arm immediately puts shoulder into armpit of uke and palm is facing up. try to make uke go straight down. Other hand grabs the club as you then rotate palm down, keeping arm straight and pointing in direction of uke's next roll (with shoulder in armpit of uke) and hitchstep and cause forward roll. Don't watch club, but uke.

2. hitch step entry. inside hand parries/protects head and immediately goes to uke's shoulder and rolls shoulder joint. sensei said also the closer you grab to uke's center (closer to neck) the less spinning action will happen in take cown. you step to the side with two hands on uke's shoulder, hands closer to center line, drop weight+ bend knees and step away as uke falls on back.

3. hitch step with strike to uke's gut w/ thumb edge of hand, crouch around behind uke\ and put shoulder into uke's bum, grab both ankles,
lift and cause uke to face fall, put one foot into crook of other knee, grab gi for lock.

4. kotogaeshi 10 - hitch step + half taisabaki

5. a cross step with leg opposite of striking arm, parry w/ same side of stepping leg, turn hips/body slightly toward uke, make a window for sankyu, hitch step, apply sankyu lock, take knife away, take uke hand with hip and spin out and take down