December 12, Sensei Stephen

In 1951 Masahiko Kimura defeated helio Gracie by using a Ude Garami, which became known as "The Kimura" this gus bio is pretty awesome. A very cool thing is this excerpt from "My Judo"
1. Kokyu-nage (?) From Double wrist grab
-Raise hand to face ( show picture )
-Point opposite hand down, keep in center line ( Thanks Gearoid )
-Feed raised hand into ear and throw
In my own studies I am very interesting in the thread between jujitsu, aiki-jujitsu and judo. This is a interestign technique because it is the same motion of feeding the elbow into the ear as Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi, there is also a throw called Sode Tsurukomi Goshi which has this motion, but adds a hip throw. This almost seems abbreviated, almost like abstraction in art is abbreviated marks and colors. Whoa, I just got really really deep.
2. Ude Garami From Lapel Grab
-Hitch step, a la Close the Window
-Drop weight to bring uke down
-Wrap around uke's shoulder with arm, clenching you opposite arm like tiger lock
-Pivot hip to throw
3. Ude Garami From Round House
-Hitch step, a la Close the Window
-Roll Shoulder
-Drop weight to bring uke down
-Wrap around uke's shoulder with arm, clenching you opposite arm like tiger lock
-Pivot hip to throw
4. Ude Garami From Round House to Sumi Gaeshi to Ude Garami on ground or ( Osaewaza )
-Hitch step, a la Close the Window
-Roll Shoulder
-Drop weight to bring uke down
-Wrap around uke's shoulder with arm, clenching you opposite arm like tiger lock
-Hook opposite leg into the back of uke's knee
*Sit down in between uke's legs
As Uke falls use the momentum to move on top of them
Move into suitable position, normally perpendicular to uke and apply kimura lock
** If lock comes off you can move into kesa-gatame, or kata gatame fairly easily
*Note : Sensei Ivan showed me that by sitting sitting between uke's legs you create a vacuum as opposed to allowing your weight pull uke down. It also prevents uke from falling on your face
**Note : Link to Kesa-Gatame and Kata-gatame, When throwing jeannie she was far enough away that I tried to apply a very poorly excecuted Kami shiho gatame
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