December 7, Sensei Maria

What a difference a year makes! So last night after class my sister sent me a some pictures of last years christmas party, that's me a year ago on the left, and thats me last week in berlin on the right. Though I'm still a chubster, it's a profound difference and change in my life. I say this and share this because I really could not have done it without the support of the dojo. I am really doing a lot of things in my life that I didn't have the strength to do before. I thank you all!
1. Warm ups, Hitch step pivot
• Sensei Maria hits me in the solar plexis "Welcome Back"
2. Atemi Kata
So polishing up atemi kata a few things for me to remember, in Zenkutsu-dachi the back leg is extended and straight. Legs are shoulder width apart, I think I may believe my shoulders are more narrow then they are.
3. Sukui Nage ( from Low pin )

• Break Pin by rotating wrist and dropping center
• Step around without bending back, place your foot next to uke's ( uke's back is to you )
• Turn ( this is the throw )
I have to say this is one of my favorite throws. Sensei Stephen talks a lot about htis throw in context to Kata. For example in Atemi Kata we cross step into Shiko-Dachi, which is basically the same movement, In aikido there are variations of the Kokyu-Nage that have this movement as well. After the throw you are also able to do a variety of terrible things to your opponent because of the nature of the fall. I remember the first time I took ukemi form this technique it was with Geroid in that LES gym, on the puzzle mats. Whew! That was a hard fall!
4. Projection from Two hand lapel grab ( Name? )
Uke grabs ( or pushes ) with double lapel grab
Cut crook of elbow down while feeding opposite elbow into ear
Step in to push away into throw
5. Ippon from Mug
Uke mugs Straight up
Catch arm in crook of elbow, Drop weight
Point shoulder to opposite knee
I found that the more I thought about this technique, the worse it became.
I guess it’s all about timing.
congrats on making a great health improvement! =)
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