November 13, Sensei Coleman
1. Warm-up
Today I made it 50 push ups. I think I did it before, but it might have been 40, this was definitely 50. Rock on!
2. Punching Drills
Left-Right-Uppercut & Left-Right Sweep
*Notes : Keep elbows tight to your side. Tight your elbow is touching your side. Beware the dreaded kick to the ribs!
3. Deashi Harai
Holding Kenka Yotsu ( Judo Hold ) move to the side, as uke rises to move, push uke's foot into the air ( helping it into the air ) uke fall.
4. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi ( Lifting Pulling Ankle Block )
• Holding Kenka Yotsu ( Judo Hold ) move backwards
• Pull on uke's arm bringing their arm into your ear, drop opposite hand into their chest, and up into thier ear, slide to the side placing opposite foot over their ankle
It's interesting the name has three parts because the technique seems to be 3 parts as well.
1. Pulling on the arm lifts uke
2. Dropping the arm into the chest and rises into ear seems to drive uke
3. Your foot stops uke from moving forward creating the fall
This throw rules
5. Boom Boom Sweep...but be there first
Goal is to be faster...not stronger
• Hitch step
• As your hips open for the hitch step sweep to keep uke's foot moving
6. Boom Boom Sweep ( from Mae Gari )
• Uke kicks > Fade back, parry kick to the inside
• Hitch step, check shoulder
• Sweep leg uke is putting down
Move kick to the inside to prevent a counter kick
7. Boom Boom Sweep ( from Mae Gari )
• Uke kicks > Fade back, parry kick to the inside
• Hitch step, check shoulder
• Sweep leg that uke is standing on
Big difference between this one and the last one is you sweep the leg that uke is standing on. This makes uke go BOOM! I read that Ueshiba did not like kicks because it requires you to be on one leg...I'm sure he saw this done once or twice.
While doing this technique Sensei Coleman scolded me because I had fallen into Dixon, turned my back and got up.
Sensei said "NO NO, that is not how you get up, why would you turn your back on uke? Go into Kesa-Gatame, Lock arm, choke, move arm, stand up." I was slightly shocked by the comment, I was actually very happy to be scolded, I felt like I was expected to be more. I responded "HAI SENSEI!" Then unleashed the fury on Dixon!
8. Locking Up a Big Guy
Ok, let me give you guys a hand. Normally I try to not fall on you b/c it's hard for me to control my weight, especially 50lbs ago. Some of you know what it's like to feel me falling on you, but others I just pretend.
But you don't weigh 246lbs.
When locking someone up as big as me remember to drop both knees at separate times, but almost at the same time. One knee should be where my jaw meets, the other on my floating rib. ( this is what I feel when the Sensei's lock me's also the only visible bruise I carry 7 days a week ) Also the armbar is your feels immediate, and scary, it also doesn't take a lot of thought. If uke's hand is near my groin, I lock the wrist, other than that I's easier.
9. Okuri-Eri-Jime ( Sliding Lapel Choke )
We actually did this last Tuesday, but I started to do some sketches from class.
Honestly I really like Shime-waza, I don't know if it's weird or not but it really makes me understand the power of the art, it's like when Sempai Zhenya throws me...there's no way I can say that Jujitsu doesn't work.

10. Ippon Seionage
To me ippon breaks down to 3 techniques
1. Kozushi, the pulling uke off balance
2. The clip
3. The twist a.k.a the throw
In this drawing I wanted to recored the clip & twist. Sensei Ivan showed me that the clip needs to be deep into uke, Sensei Maria showed me it needs to be pointing up (like a gun ). Put them together and "The clip needs to be deep and pointing up ( like a gun ) Then twist your shoulder into your opposite knee and bring your clipping arm with you. Watch uke go Boom!

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