Tuesday, July 11, 2006

sempai lee class

1. same side wrist grab - seionage (shihonage?) - hitch step, turn wrist inward, back leg steps around - sorta like a 1/2 taisabaki, other hand grabs uke's attacking arm and rotates/stretches it out in front as much as possible, keep knees bent, be close to uke, swing uke arm around in front of u, tuck chin, bring to uke shoulder, knee into shoulder, pull up on uke arm

2. round house- throw arm + uke forward/same direction as attack - uke strikes, hitch step in, back leg steps in like going for ippon, arm catches punch when arm already past u, not before or to side, heels together then just bring weight down, uke takes forward roll

3. lapel grab - nikkyu variation - as soon as uke grabs label, catch with same side hand and roll arm inward so knife edge of hand is facing up, uke hand is pressed against body, other hand applies lock, finish nikkyu

4. same side wrist grab - step away at angle, palm faces down, uke off balance, then other leg closest to uke step in angle toward uke's centerline, uke takes fwd roll or back fall

5. opposite wrist grab - sword throw? taisabaki, lead uke hand forward + down, shoulder in armpit, uke rolls

6. straight punch - kotogaeshi


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