Tuesday, June 20, 2006

sensei stephen's class

remembering details
-sensei s once again stressed using peripheral vision
to respond to uke one arm mugs
- sensei c showed a move that could definitely dislocate the elbow - or it felt like it could. i uked for a kotogaeshi 10 (or other technique?) and he said something to janet about pulling arm around the waist so back of uke elbow was against his body as he was pull arm arm around waist. this alarmed me bc if was not following tori, uke could really injure joint.

* fwd straight punch - boom boom sweep. timing is everything, don't hitch step too deep or uke is too forward + too difficult to roll shoulder, don't hitch step too soon or you have don't have uke leg forward enough for sweep - if legs are parallel and there is no lead leg to sweep, change technique says sensei s.

* fwd straight punch - kotogaeshi 10, stay close to uke when you catch elbow during taisabaki entry, let lead hand slide down to wrist, don't grab wrist first and don't leave a lot of space btween u + uke

* head lock w/ tori bent over, uke arm around tori neck and pressed against uke ribs - inside arm strike uke's manlihood or womanlihood from behind, or outside arm strikes from the front, outside arm pinches inside of thigh of uke, inside arm sneaks over shoulder, strong knife edge of hand presses against uke nose above upper lip, hammer punch to ribs with outside arm, take down, another straight punch to uke, lock

* round house - hitch step into center of uke, strike to neck, striking hand slides down outside edge of uke's attack arm + holds uke's wrist down as other hand punches uke in side of face, this same punching hand is then set up for an elbow strike to head which also helps roll shoulder back and put uke off balance, the off balance makes it easy to then apply a tiger lock, back straight, step out to shiko dachi, drop weight, lock

* round house - hitch step into center of uke, strike to neck, striking hand slides down outside edge of uke's attack arm and brings uke arm over to your shoulder, apply sankyu as outside leg step around and behind u, stuff uke elbow into arm pit + apply another lock with hand sneaking under uke's pinned forearm + to your own wrist, shoulders back, backstraight, create lock, inside leg then kneels as you take uke straight to ground, apply ground lock

outside dojo adventures Frustrated as I was to have a swollen shoulder for the past two days, I decided now is the time to stabilize my upper body muscles. At best, I would hardly survive as a jujutska with arms like spaghetti noodles. Let's see some beef in thar rotator cuffs and scapulae muscles! No more swollen shoulders! More dojo time!

The more I step out of ignorant bliss and become more aware of what I know and don't know in jujitsu, the more inspired/awed I am of watching the sempais. Observing their correct form as they're being thrown over the shoulder by tori is striking and motivating.

And then one word occurs to me - years. It'll take me years to fall that well. A long road ahead, indeed.

workout haiku:
inside my gym bag
is a soothing rattle of
an advil bottle


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