class notes
remembering details
hitch step should have front foot not pointed too much to side
hitch step deeply to be outta sight of uke
techniques today
1. punching drills. stand fingertip to fingertip distance. always bring hands to chin after punching
- 2 punches to solar plexus, face square on otherwise easy to track uke (say z)
- 2 punches and blocking with forearms. keeps hands in center between you + uke. no need to block so that hand + forearm goes across and way past center, otherwise you're not ready for guarding
- 3 punches, smacking forehead w/ lead hand. go for smack w/ intent + cause uke to blink. lead hand smacks forehead twice and other hand goes for solar plexus punch
- then adding elbow strike to above technique. need to step in to be close to uke, otherwise too far to do elbow strike.
- then adding foot sweep to uke lead leg after stepping in + elbow strike. it seemed foot sweep was angle away from centerline than straight fwd
2. hi pin - sankyu: drop weight, but don't weight too soon or uke will choke. so the russian monster says to pin uke hands to chest and drop weight, turn hip elbow strike to uke, step back as you put uke hand to shoulder closest to uke, apply sankyu lock with body, don't leave uke hand hanging out but be sure it is pinned to body and turn, then step out and bring uke hand w/ hip = creates off balance, and take down + lock
3. hi pin - name? do above but this time you step out from underneath uke arm as you take uke hand with you and go for immediate take down + lock
4. 1 arm mug - sensei s says to watch w/ eyes when arm comes around to choke neck, no need to wait till choke is on, heels together, catch w/ little fingers in crook of uke neck, drop weight, and throw over shoulder. when u uke, keep chest pressed against uke back and stand square on, not rotate shoulder torward the tori shoulder that you will go over.
* i over rotated on this throw and landed on my shoulder which is already unstable (from a previous partial dislocation). i also reach out w/ my arm to catch fall. bad arm. bad. zhenya says whole body should land same time
5. pull back mug - step back so leg is ready for sweep, catch choke, spin out, butt behind uke butt + sweep, lock
other details
- when pinning uke to ground, put weight on knees and on uke body.
- when doing forward roll, don't rotate shoulders before roll, stand straight
- slap whole arm and up
- extension rolls, when two on ground, imagine three + look up not down. my feet feel clumsy when i run up to do rolls
- i guess when you breathe out, punches to solar plexus doesn't hurt as much.
just where the heck is the solar plexus? why do you punch there? voila, a diagram below. i don't know if the text blurb is true, but i got it from a boxer website:

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