Saturday, April 07, 2007

April 5, 2007, Sensei Maria

Wow what a powerful class. Whew! I felt like I was on fire, when I got home I wound up passin' out! Next morning I was so sore and my throat was hoarse from all the Kiaye! Awesome!

1. Roll Out and Defend
• Roll out
• Hand comes up in a gaurd
• Enter via Hitch Step, Tai-Sabaki or Trade Places

More and more I find myself doing the "Coleman Hook" on this. I worry about this technique being too hard on uke, Especially since I hesitant to put it on since Jeannie's shoulder was hurt that way. I like doing the technique because it seems like it's right there, but maybe I should turn it into a tiger lock instead. Not sure.

2. Close the Window to Katana-Naga ( from roundhouse )
• Step in for Close the Window, uke drops there arm
• Pivot slightly behind uke extending your arms out
• Project outwards by bending knees

3. Ippon from Roundhouse
• Step into uke, far foot to far foot
• Clip uke's arm
• Pivot and throw

This is one of my favorite throws in the whole world! But I never use it for demonstration!

I have been practicing this move a lot at home, this is how I've been doing it :

a. The Clip - I like to thinking of my arm as a boa constrictor. I actually read about visualizing this, they said when you arm is tight and your opponent moves to escape, you would be able to feel it.

b. The Drop - I put my back against the wall ( at the gym i look into the mirror to insure myself dropping low enough ) and drop, when I get low enough I can feel my groin area stretching out like when we do butterflies. I stand up, I drop again, then I add speed.

c. The Balls of my Feet - Lately at home I have been squating and walking around on the balls of my feet. This gives me a little more balance when I am doing ippon or any other throw.


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