being human
personal thoughts:
i try to be optimistic. i try to be glad that my wrist injury is not as bad. but the yoyo of getting better, getting worse just cracked me. the return of pain today was too much for me to continue practice. i just could not focus...
... frustration and pain was enough to for me to hyperventilate and cry -man, i have not cried in YEARS. and for a moment i had to figure out what all this wet stuff on my cheeks.
i guess everyone deals with injuries differently, everyone has their own history.
maybe down the road, i'll look back at this as a "learning phase" to get past
I remember the first class I took after breaking my ankle. I couldn't keep up, I found the class incredibly frustrating, and I left. I remember Coleman said I should sit down, but I refused. I went in back, changed, and left immediately (not exactly, stormed but it wasn't a graceful exit). These type of days are what helps you train your spirit, not just your body.
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