Monday, May 15, 2006


1. close the window - hitch step and block with two hands, do not rise up, but bring uke arm immediately down - hip turning to corner not straight back. one continuous mvmt. move as soon as you sense uke will move to get good timing.

2. if uke doesn't go down, can do osoto gari with bum behind uke's bum and sweeping through. foot does not touch floor till after sweep, lock and make sure take club with you.

3. if osotogari is not going to cut it, try tiger lock. after entry, hip turn and face uke. don't let outside hand wrap around in big circular motion, but snake immediately under elbow to grab other wrist whose hand is rolling shoulder joint. lock with back straight, shoulders down. then hip turn (loosen grip for uke safety) and take down and apply another lock. tell uke to drop weapon. then let go by rolling uke away from body and take weapon

* to be a good uke: don't swing club so big with arm. strike straight to uke's temple (side of head) sensei maria said it was ok if we accidentally bonk sempais' head.


At 6:11 AM, Blogger Adi Zukerman said...

Sempais have been bonked on the head before. Sempai Zhenya gave Sempai Mitsu a good one sometime in the last year. Without strong attacks and real risk of getting hit you can never improve. Plus, a strong committed attack is easier to defend than a weak attack in terms of physics and good technique. It is the mental fear of a strong attack that one must overcome through spirit. Or something like that.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if you have better technique and breath control, your spirit overcomes fear?

anyway, i intend to break this mental barrier and be a much more serious uke. even if my punches are not perfect, i'm going to really focus on striking where i should target with good form.

this really is the first time i'm realizing that there's two sides of the coin - a good uke and a good tore.

when i do a round house punch, i should really focus on landing that punch to tore's temple (as well as tucking chin when falling and slapping arm, etc)

i'm looking fwd to being a much better uke for all you sempais!


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